Whoa... I wish that I never had gone...
(No, it's not me, (although I look like that,) as you'd probably know me, having talked to me a little while beforehand..)
OK, we need them to audition? Then, let the auditions begin!
(I never would have thought that dastardly Mexican adaptations of the lesser known of S's problem plays would have elicited such attention...)
(Perhaps they don't realise yet that they will be asked to dress as Mexican Shakespearian characters)
(I wonder who will be Helena/Elena?)
(Well, Dys can be the chorus, I think.)
dròm_et_rêve wrote:Grand Duke wrote:I'll join the team AND the list. I'll try anything once (which scared my ex when I entered the bedroom with a pot of cream cheese and a badminton racquet).

Have we met before?
I don't think so, but that's not so hard to remedy...
O-- I'm afraid that I'm in Poland. Drat.
What's going on in Poland then? Are the Poles chuffed about joining the EU, or are they not that bothered?
The Polish seem more preoccupied with the women's diving olympic competition than anything to do with the EU....
They seem annoyed their guy didn't become President, though
must dash! be back in 30 mins!
yeah ive seen kew around but most peeps seem 2b from london here
cool well your one of my neighbour then ive been to york a few times and i saw that awesome flooding their a year or two ago on tv that was crazy...
hmm the festivals not really my thing thankfully im still young enough to go but ive been to a great deal in my life and they are all starting to get to o samey for me
i used to tour the festivals selling jewellery on a stall with a friend when i was a teen
we will see anyway its not really my thing.. i may go though i dont know..
i went to the leeds unity day festivval a couple of weeks ago...
I might be the woman with the long frizzy hair approaching the table indirectly while I carry a significant message. Alas, there are others vying for the role.
(Ok. Where were we?)
I watch the mysterious woman work her way across the room. Col Man seems pretty taken with her too, but a frown starts to gather on my face. A suspicious frown...
I quickly look around the room for anything suspicious and notice that the lounge singer, while crooning his Parisian melody, does not take his eyes from us. I watch him covertly with mounting expectation. He does not disappoint me. Just as the familiar looking woman reaches our table the lounge singer reaches into an inner pocket and produces a revolver.
I immediately whip out my gun and dive under the table, dragging Col with me, as the room erupts in the frightened shrieks of refined Parisian ladies.
(Ooh osso, we haven't had an audition for the mysterious lady yet. I think you get the part! Better watch your head!)
Col - what sort of music was it at the unity festival?
duke - it was local bands from round the area
mostly indie type stuff
they had lots of sound systems there too
like the iration steppas if youve heard of em and many other systems too all booming out drum n bass and other type of beat musik
The name rings a bell. I used to listen to a lot of breaks/beats stuff but haven't had the time/money to keep up with the scene. Did you go to the Love Parade a few years back?