Fri 20 Aug, 2004 02:52 am
Two American teenagers were arrested for playing basketball - naked.
Police nabbed the nude boys hooping it up in the town of Powell, Wyoming.
The pair have been charged with indecent exposure. Police said alcohol was not involved in the boys' hoop hijinks.

well i just hope they were not 'slam-dunkin' each other....
Now there's a money spinner! Nude basketball! They'll come in droves.
Heh heh, pity no one ever took me up on that one.
I am wearing a trench coat with the collar pulled up around my face. You are smoking a cigarette while rugged up in a long fur...
We stand evincing nonchalance until the intruder passes from sight. Then you take one last drag on your cigarette before leaning in to whisper, "Did you bring the sombrero?"
Taking a blown strand of hair away from her eyes with an unphased flick, you lean towards me slightly but not noticeably, and say in a dulcet tone, 'yes. But you never explained what it's for.'
(In French, obviously, with the subtitles a little slower than our speech.)
Glancing surreptitiously about you from under hooded eyes you slowly begin to lay out the details. "The target is planning a Mexican adaptation of 'All's Well that Ends Well'. I trust you brought the books?" On observing my slight nod from the corner of your eye you continue, "The mission requires a team of three; a pointman, a diversion, and one more for back up. Can you put a team together by tomorrow?"
I chance a brief look in your direction. The city of Paris hums around us as I weigh my options. "I think I can manage it," I speak in a lazy drawl, English for added effect, as the camera does a close up on first my face, impassive, and your own, eagerness to be gone from this place written plainly across your face.
very entertaining girls

i expect more when you both get up tomorrow