First of all.. let me say that I have NOT read all the comments but the general idea I get is that most are telling you NOT to live in your car for a plethora of reasons.
hi Joe. Im a long time member.. and I used to live in my car. Well, I lived in a van.

And.. I would do it again. So let me give you some advice, ideas and some things to ponder before you make that decision.
Number one.
GET food stamps. While you still have an address and you can intercept the mail, get them now. And if it makes you feel wrong for collecting it, only use what you need and leave the rest on the card. it accumulates, and when you close your account, any unused portion is thrown back into the pool for another account. But get it.. if you ever lose your job or your income, it is a life saver . You dont even have to use it.. but do have it on hand. While you are at it, get medicad too. If something happens to you physically, you need a doctor. With this program, you get a free phone. GET that. You need a second phone number that is not yours to convince potential employers that you have a home. So get it and use it.
Dont think..
for one second you can skate by on about 800 a month and sock away enough money to make a difference in 2 or 3 months. Know NOW that this endeavor is going to be a minimum
6 months.. .and thats if you do it right.
Also know.. that NO, it is not a super dangerous thing, and in fact in most places it is not illegal. At all. If you can find a KOA camp ground near where you are, pay the 28 or so for a 2 week parking space and you will have a set up, routine spot to go to that will be relatively safe. I dont know what kind of security they have there anymore, but at least it is a community of people that will be around , and more eyes equal more peace.
Food. Is. A . Problem.
However, it is not expensive. learn to dumpster dive. I wont elaborate because I know the knee jerk response from most people is " oh **** that nasty mess" .. when, in all honesty, when done right, is a free buffet of safe, packaged CLEAN food. If you want to know more, send me a message. I was homeless for years.. I know what to do, and how to do it. And like I said, if done right, you will walk out of this with a good amount of cash and be able to jump right into the life you want . I think, reducing all your bills like this is a smart thing to do, so long as you stay on task and know your **** before you start. If things make you squeamish... dont do this.
Scout out now for 24 hour stores like Walmart. Walmart allows people to park in their lots over night so long as the store hours are 24hrs. If they close at night, you can not stay. Find several. You will need to change to a new place daily to not be harassed. Its a simple explanation of " my gf and I are fighting so I have to sleep in the car tonight" to an officer who finds you the first time in a spot... but not easy to explain away if they find you again, and again. Large public parks with high traffic are the best. ESPECIALLY if there is a river . If you live in a place where there are a lot of local fishing places, find a crappy pole some where for 5 bucks and put it in your back window at night. That way, if a cop wakes you ... all you have to do is say " im sleeping here so I can fish early" . These kinds of small lies save your ass. So start planning some out, and while scouting out places to park, rehearse them.
Food pantries.
get your canned food there. Period. All you need is valid ID, sometimes not even that. Canned food, when put on a hot engine will warm it to about the same temp as a warm bath tub which beats cold. Do NOT put it on your carburetor though..get it as close as you can to the engine block itself and remember to remove the paper.
To open a can , if your can opener does not work, take the top of the can against rough concrete like stairs or a sidewalk. Push as HARD as you can down on the can and rub the top back and forth. The top will separate and quickly. Voila.. no need for a can opener.
invest in a large jug of vinegar, and a tiny , empty squirt bottle. The vinegar when put into a squirt bottle of 1/3 vinegar will help sanitize an area if need be. Trust me when I tell you... you need this.
You also need to get a small spray bottle and put about 2 tablespoons of downy or other fabric softner in it, spray it onto a rag and make it damp, then wipe the insides of your car windows once a week. This will stop the windows from steaming up on cool nights which is a dead giveaway that someone is sleeping in a car and can attract attention. If you can handle it, sleep with the windows cracked to help that even more.
bathing.. is never a problem. Dont worry about that. As you said a gym membership solves that problem.. so does a river.. so does a gas station bathroom. You will need to go to a dollar store and get about 5 wash cloths and keep a dry one on hand ALL the time for this.
Deodorant. A scented lotion. Mouthwash. vinegar. Sterno. Box of matches. Plastic bags ( you can use this to purify water if you ever get into some serious dire straights or get stranded away from the city) a paper map , a swiss army knife, tin foil .
When it comes to shopping for food, do not live on snacks. You will go broke, be hungry and get sick. You will need to eat as real of food as possible. nuts, fruits, berries, etc. No cereal, pop tars, saltines..etc. Educate yourself on food content and nutrient content. Even if you are enjoying yourself, just dealing with the stress of hiding, and constantly being on the move WILL cause a hard stress reaction to your body. WHAT YOU EAT will change that. Please.. if you take nothing else from what I say to heart.. please, please watch your food.
Store all of your belongings in the trunk. Leave nothing but a blanket or pillow in your car. The less you look like you LIVE in it, the easier this is going to be. not to mention, if you ever have an interview, OR if your aunt wants to see you... all traces of living in your car should be gone. So keep it tidy. This includes washing it. that part is critical.
learn basic mechanics. Youtube is your friend. A small wrench set , a flat head and phillps head screw driver, socket set.. keep it on hand. When your starter goes out, you dont have to pay someone several hundred for something you can do yourself. ( its usually just a few screws and can be done in under an hour for example) There is a book called Haynes. find one for your year and make of car and keep it. You will only spend about 15 bucks, but it gives you a step by step...exactly how to fix things in your car and you will need that.
-buy food for a week at a time. 2 days at best. You dont need that clutter, or that smell. Make a minimum budget per week and stick to it. you should be able to eat enough on 20-30 a week.
-drink in your car. If you want to have a beer do it away from your car. legally, you face different and harsher punishments when you live in your car than when you are just sitting at a park bench. AND, if you are caught drinking, your car wont be towed because you can say you walked. See what i mean..
-worry about staying at homeless shelters. In fact, unless it is extreme weather, avoid them like the plague. You can , and I would recommend, finding soup kitchens. usually, you can shower for free during their meal times
-keep a pet. just.. dont.
- park at any upscale place. EVER. Not even a mall unless you are just there for a short time. The cheaper and lower quality the store is, the safer you are.
- take your car off road. I know this sounds silly, but if you hit a dirt road and have a flat, have a break down...etc.. I cant tell you how fucked youre gonna be so stay on pavement.
- pee outside of your car. If you are parking some where like a parking lot, or grassy area for a few days, the smell of human piss makes people think there is a homeless person in the area. human piss smells bad after just a few times. Always make the effort to go far away from where you are parked so that the smell is not near you. use old water bottles if its late at night and throw them away. This is a major, major point. Remember you can not leave a trace if you dont want to be bothered. Also, you dont want anyone to catch ON to your spot if you use it more than once.
- dont tell anyone. Not even your aunt. Just your friends who will help you.
use what money you have and get these things -
4 clean white tshirts ( nothing says I HAVE A HOME like a white, clean shirt)
towels. 3 should be enough
sleeping bag
a roll of black plastic bags ( a lot of survival things can be done with those. use youtube and learn. You will save a lot of money)
defense. An old bayonet is great. no, im not advocating a gun.. in fact, having a gun while living in your car is kinda stupid unless you have a permit.
a tube of super glue. This will help seal foods in bags, cover cuts, repair shoes, clothes etc.. and it takes up minimal space.
a fingernail brush. KEEP YOUR HANDS CLEAN when you are around other people. I dont care how good your story is, if your hands are dirty a cop will not believe you, nor will a prospective employer.
get rid of excess junk. If you are an avid reader or movie watcher, get a kindle and have that be your only source of entertainment.
A smallmed kit with band aids, tape and ace bandages.
A cooler. The one that fits a 6 pack. Anything bigger screams " I live in my car" and wont help you talk your way out of problems if anyone comes to your car.
Keep your dashboard clean and clear. keep your floor board vacuumed. A small hand broom will work for that.
Sterno. I have said it already once.. so I have to repeat it. Sterno is a life saver, but you can not burn it in your car with out cracking your window. You only need one can. If you dont know what it is, or know how to handle it.. watch some videos and get familiar with it.
Keep your clothes wrinkle free! Lay them flat against your back seat and put your blanket over the top of them before you sleep. You can use the fabric softener spray and very lightly spray them before you put your sleeping bag on top of them. This will flatten them and put creases in your clothes that "look ironed". This is important. Wrinkled clothes are not your best friend when you are trying to hide what you are doing.
Keep your socks clean. If your feet or socks get wet, take them off immediately and change them. The biggest clothing need is socks. Dry , clean ones. I would honestly recommend you keep 10 pair. Walking wears them out, they keep your feet clean and keep your toes warm.
And finally, just keep up with your appearance. Always try to look like you might be filling out an application. This doesnt mean wearing a suit and tie.. but it does mean ditch band tshirts as daily wear. keep things pressed looking by sleeping on them, keep stains out of your clothes..etc.etc.
To keep your clothes cleaner longer, find a place where you can lay them in the sun. You DONT have to wash a pair of pants just because you wore them for a few hours. you can wear things more than once so long as they dont smell. Keep a fresh towel in the seat of your car to sit on. The sweat from your body, and possible mud and gunk is gonna create an old stale smell that will give you away to any one . Always sit on a fresh towel. Invest in a good folding chair so that when you do park some where, you can sit outside of your car and let it air out. At least every other day find a way to open your doors and windows completely for an hour or two. Cars do not have good circulation and you dont want your clean clothes to absorb that odor. Air tight plastic containers are going to be best. One for clean, one for dirty.
And finally.. never..ever.. ever keep money in the car. Thats a simple thing, but one people often forget.
im sorry if i sound preachy, or rude.. i definitely dont mean to. Ive been there, done that... and I had an absolute blast. I cant do it now because I have a daughter, and other responsibilities... but, if i were childless and bored, I would pack up and travel that way! In a heart beat.
I have MANY other things I can tell you, but Im going to stop here so that I dont sound like I am lecturing you
Good luck to you! I hope you have fun.. and stay safe. its not too hard, but it does require a different level of thinking.