Listening to the governor is pretty infuriating. First, he had to take this action to protect the good people of Charlotte against a few ultra liberal members of the city council and the mayor who are pursuing an agenda the people don't approve of. The only problem is that this bill has been in progress for a year and the mayor ran with this as a plank in her platform, so the people directly voted for this. Then, it's a plot against him and his reelection campaign whipped up by the attorney general and the mayor, except, again, the Charlotte bill was long in the making and well debated. He went on a kick of "I don't even know why we are still talking about this." Maybe because the state is getting killed financially? Now he is talking about "federal over reach" and the justice department reading things into the civil rights act that aren't there, but a judge has already agreed with their interpretation.
Hopefully a good turnout in the fall will put McCrory out of a job, put NC in Clinton's column and even maybe help us get rid of Burr.