The spirit of Ama revealed to us (plural) that Jesus was born on 05-23 and died on 08-17. About 20 years since I first heard these dates, I have proved that they are correct and can be checked at my website. That is why, as 1 Corinthians 4:13 states: "I believed, and therefore have I spoken."
We can talk to Him. We confide our problems to Him and seek His advice. He tells us many different stories, mostly religious matters. He is a good spirit. He tells us to become righteous. He does not tell us to do what is evil.
Most people, if not all, who listen to Ama believe that He is Jesus Christ now as a spirit. He recommends the King James Version of the Holy Bible because it is nearer the truth than other versions. He told us to read also Pasiong Mahal which He said was extracted from the Holy Bible. But I find Pasiong Mahal more than what is said in the Bible. For example, Pasiong Mahal tells us the names of the three kings, significance of their gifts, the names of the two thieves, the search of the mother of Emperor Constantine, who is Saint Elena, for the cross at Jerusalem in the fourth century AD, the names of the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and father of Joseph, etc,
If the platform of the spirit of Ama who is called Ka Apaz or Liwayway Alvaran, then she would have been very rich by now. But she is still poor, so are her children.
I am asking for any questions in the "Birth of Jesus" which maybe amiss.
I have not been to the Philippines for four years now since 2012. I usually give about 200 pesos (A$5) per Sunday that I am there. That will be for our lunch. I also usually give to Ama 10,000 pesos (A$2,500) every time that I am in the Philippines. It is for His charitable work. I do not send money when I am overseas. Does a spirit still need money? Does a spirit still eat?
I have not been to the Philippines for four years now since 2012. I usually give about 200 pesos (A$5) per Sunday that I am there. That will be for our lunch. I also usually give to Ama 10,000 pesos (A$2,500) every time that I am in the Philippines. It is for His charitable work. I do not send money when I am overseas. Does a spirit still need money? Does a spirit still eat?
In my humble opinion, you are lining the pockets of a charlatan.
I would ask that you watch this video, made by a band called Genesis.
They wrote this song in direct response to a string of TV preachers in the USA being exposed for their corrupt ways.
Every single one of those preachers had their own personal devotees who all thought that they spoke directly to god. These poor, deluded people used to send them money. The preachers made millions of dollars between them.
I'm sure that some of our American members can supply a name or two for these charlatans, so that you can research the whole sordid business for yourself, in the hope that it may cause you to see that it is very likely you are also being suckered out of money.
You may send what you consider to be a small amount to this latest preacher, but think about it. If he can brainwash enough people into each sending him a small amount, he would be very rich indeed.
I suggest that you hang on to your hard earned money, and use it to buy food to donate to your local homeless shelter. Tell ama that you intend to use your money that way.
If he is indeed Christ's spirit on earth, he will fully understand.
If he is a conman in it for the money, he will slick talk you into carrying on with your previous arrangement, whereby you fatten up his bank balance on regular occasions.
Pound to a penny he will try to get you to keep sending money.
Don't worry about ama feeding himself. He can magic up some loaves and fishes if he is who he says he is. He won't be short of wine either.
Anyway, try to enjoy the video, paying particular attention to the stacks of dollars piling up at the end.
If you have trouble understanding the words, just ask and I will supply a link with lyrics.
I'm not going to look into it, because I don't care, and neither should you. Think about how much time and energy you've wasted on all this. Time and energy that could have been devoted to productive things, or to your family.
If you don't want to believe my experiences with the spirit of Ama, it is up to you. It is your own opinion.
Please supply the lyrics of the song of Genesis.
If you were to believe in a god, be sure that He is the true God.
0 Replies
Wed 11 May, 2016 08:27 am
I'm not going to look into it, because I don't care, and neither should you. Think about how much time and energy you've wasted on all this. Time and energy that could have been devoted to productive things, or to your family.
As what Ama said, if you don't want to believe, then He will still tell it to you. If you still do not believe, then we call it quits (pasensiya or pacencia).
He said that there will be people who will believe us and there will be people who will not believe us.
It also confirms to my mind that he is just a slick salesman.
Peacecrusader, you should try ama out with the ultimate test.
Tell ama that all of your donations money will no longer go to him, but to a homeless charity local to where you live.
I would lay a sizeable bet that your ama will find some brilliant reason why you should keep sending and giving him your money.
If you were to have magic access to this guy's bank accounts, you would probably be amazed at how rich your god on earth has become.
There is a saying that fits this scenario.
You can't fix stupid.
You, Sir, are being stupid, and have been too brainwashed to even contemplate that fact.
I will waste no more time on you, as you are obviously far too gone to listen to any form of reason
Good luck with it all, and when the day comes that you realise that your ama is just a slick salesman, don't be too hard on yourself.
0 Replies
Thu 12 May, 2016 05:51 am
He sounds like a genius.
He is more that a genius. The spirit of Ama, as most, if not all, of His listeners believe that He is Jesus Christ Himself. If He is Jesus Christ, then He must be God.
I'm still mystified by this every time I read it. How can you get that Jesus is God? YOUR bible says he is the Son of God. Jesus said he came to do his FATHER'S will, not his own.
So I'm curious. How do you resolve this obvious contradiction?