I saw this thread title in the new posts lists when it first started up, and had a quick look because it was started by chai, who I count as one member worth a nose now and again, because she often makes me giggle when she's in devillish mood.
I soon sussed out that she was responding to a funny post from fm on another thread, and recognised that the whole thing was a typical a2k tongue in cheek bit of silliness.
In the old days, there were two or three of these silly threads a day here by various usual suspects, ranging from things like kicky confessing to peeing in the sink, to Gus doing dubious things with his capybara.
Alas, the silly threads are few and far between nowadays, so it's quite usual for people to get the wrong end of the stick when one comes along, and so they start getting serious, because serious seems to be the present default button here.
As far as Chaka Khan is concerned, she is wonderful, but played a minor part in my enjoyment of seventies music, and I was aware that she came to live here in the UK for quite a few years, and then went to France/Germany to live.
I would like to thank Chai for her sense of humour and starting this thread. I know that many soon get shot down, but if we keep trying, maybe a2k can get some of its sense of silliness back again. Fingers crossed.