Tryagain wrote:According to L'Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques collecte, produit, analyse et diffuse des informations sur l'économie et la société françaises, there are 8,8 million poor people in France today, or in other words, 14% of France’s entire population.
According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, there are approximately 14 million people in poverty in the UK – more than one in five of the population, including 4 million children and 2 million pensioners.
According to the EU's Directorate-General for Employment, social affairs and inclusion
• 22.4% of the EU population are at risk of poverty or social exclusion – this includes 24.9% of all children in Europe, 23.3% of women, 18.2% of those over 65
• 6.7% of all Europeans still live in severe material deprivation, though their number has significantly decreased
• 17% of Europeans live on less than 60% of their country's median household income
• 9.3% of Europeans live in households where no one has a job.
Tryagain wrote:EU; the organisation that keeps on giving!
Also there's the
European social model that tries to establish common vision for a society that combines economic growth with high living standards and good working conditions within the EU-countries, distributing welfare is and never been an EU-matter but is done nationally.