@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
georgeob1 wrote:I don't have any impressions of the particular political perspectives of the EU Parliament, or any really decisive role it has in EU governance. That may, in part, be a result of my own lack of understanding. My strong impression is that the various national leaders have a stronger role than that of the very large (and perhaps unwieldy) EU parliament.
I've heard, your president tries to bypass "parliament" where possible. Similar in the EU.
No set of rules or government structure is strong enough to prevent abuses of power by individuals at every level. Focusing on a president or other higher level officials while ignoring what lower-ranking people do to manipulate institutions in their favor presents a partial image, which obscures the broader reality of power abuse.
You should read Michel Foucault's books. He looked at power in a Nietzchean way at the level of microdynamics of human institutions, such as when people manipulate a judge to find in their favor against their enemies.
You should realize that when this kind of power manipulation of institutions is going on, 'bypassing parliament' or not is not the issue, because if someone can exercise the power to stop the president from 'bypassing parliament,' then competing power brokers will take advantage of the situation to harness parliament to their advantage against a president who's had his hands tied.
The real question is what it would take for everyone in government and outside of government to stop abusing power and start abiding by reason in good faith. This is an almost impossible hope, because too many people are too cynical to attempt to do the right thing, that is if they haven't been completely brainwashed into believing that the wrongs that have been normalized are right because they're normal.
But whether a 'president bypasses parliament' or parliament bypasses good governance, etc. the real issue is when it results in wrongdoing and when it blocks wrongdoing from occurring or at least attempts to.