Fri 6 Aug, 2004 10:56 pm
What is your favorite saying/motto of all time? Who said them first?
CS, I don't usually do quotes, but I do like:
"There is nothing neither good nor bad but thinking makes it so."
Couple favorites, both sorta to the same sentiment
"I thought I'd thought of everything", from Pink Floyd's Learning to Fly
"Murphy was an optimist", from an unknown sage.
Oh, and Bill Murray's rousing cheer from the movie Meatballs is a classic, too;
"It just doen't matter! <stomp stomp>
It just doesn't matter! <stomp stomp>
It just doesn't matter<stomp stomp> ..." :wink:
My favorite is the New Hampshire state motto:
doglover wrote:LIVE FREE OR DIE
In Some folks in New Hampshire, with the backing of the ACLU, challenged the motto's appearance on state license plates shortly after its adoption in 1965. The US Supreme Court ruled that the state had the right to choose the logo and the residents had the right NOT to display it. "LIVE FREE OR DIE" is still being used today, though it is legal to paint out, tape off, or otherwise obscure the motto. Some folks do.
It could be interpreted differently, an oxymoron of sorts... you
have to live free, or u die.. thus having no choice in the matter and not living free..
.. am i reading into that too much?
ah well.
'nother couple that come to mind are
"Nothing is more accurate than freindly fire"
"The first fatality in any battle is the plan"
Be Here Now.
Life is what happens when you are making plans to do other things.
For every action you might take, there are always limitless reasons to do it, and limitless excuses not to.
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.
There is no need to save the world. If everyone would simply save one person, the entire world would be saved.
There is no need for a Judgement Day. Every day is a judgement day.
Hell is other people ( Satre)
Because, because, it just defines my entire life soooo well.