I think layman is correct in asserting that math is a subset of logic. For example, arithmetic is a set of deductive rules based on premises defining relations between symbols ("numbers"), as well as certain other premises (e.g. the law of the excluded middle, etc.).
To multiply two numbers, one can either work from established tables, or carry out a series of repeated additions defined to be equivalent to multiplication. More complicated products are obtained from composite groups, or concatenations of such processes.
Even something as complicated as calculus is based on a set of rules governing relations between elements.
The fact that such elements are interpreted as numeric quantities is irrelevant. Mathematics is a formal system, or set of formal systems, which is why it can be implemented by computers using electronic components designed to be isomorphic to Boolean logic elements. (Though in practice finite precision constraints may result in the use of difference equations rather than differential equations, for example.)
Which is not to say that considerable creativity cannot enter into mathematics. It does, through the selection of premises and rules defining relations and processes, as well as in the adaptation of mathematics to applications.
But beyond that I would have to say that logic is a tool of reasoning, not the whole of it. Because all logical proofs and arguments are finite (else their conclusions could not be reached), they necessarily begin with premises which are stipulated axiomatically. While those axioms might in turn be proven as the conclusions of a second argument, that second argument will itself necessarily rely on stipulated premises. So the need to base logical arguments and proofs on stipulated premises cannot be escaped.
Premises can be adopted because they are directly perceived to be necessary truths (or because they are believed to be or assumed to be such). They can also be adopted as provisional or working premises. And finally, they can be entirely arbitrary.
The selection of rules or methods of reasoning to be accepted as valid, is also in that sense a metalogical process.