I think
you are pretty pathetic.
I repeat: where are Musk and co. in space? Just sending cargo for the US government... That's 55 years (and counting) after the soviets sent their boy Gagarine onto orbit...
Look at the rise of China as the second world economy - that was done by a powerful and dedicated government. It wasn't done by the Musks and the Gates off this world.
You talk of the fuel economy standards being a good thing, but they were enacted by the US government... Coherence, anyone?
Bottom line is: fossil fuels can and I believe must be taxed to pay for the transition and to raise their cost / lower their use. You are welcome to come up with other suggestions but the mere idea that governments can't do nothing is just propaganda, an illusion, a lie, a myth. Reality says otherwise. Reality says that without governments, life can be very very hard for folks.
It does not even reflect YOUR own thinking, or you would be TRYING to live in a place without government. The fact that you don't proves that you value government, deep down, and don;t want to live in anarchy. This is not "love it or leave it", it's about highlighting your hypocrisy.