San Bernardino shooting: At least 14 people killed

Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 12:30 pm
"Zionist" is the modern day equivalent of "kike." Why not just use that word? Is this some kinda conspiracy, hiding it's true intents and purposes?
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 12:34 pm
"Zionist" is the modern day equivalent of "kike." Why not just use that word? Is this some kinda conspiracy, hiding it's true intents and purposes?

What do you mean and what does 'kike' mean? I never heard it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 01:08 pm
Heh, no. That was a snarky response to an otherwise completely cartoonish view of an actual event. It was referring to the many conspiracy theories that run amok in the American underground.

As a Mason, I always laugh because the most secret plot I have seen has been "who is bringing food and who is bringing alcohol to the next meeting?"
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 01:26 pm
Heh, no. That was a snarky response to an otherwise completely cartoonish view of an actual event. It was referring to the many conspiracy theories that run amok in the American underground.

As a Mason, I always laugh because the most secret plot I have seen has been "who is bringing food and who is bringing alcohol to the next meeting?"

You are a mason then? Ok, and of course you have no clue that you are being lied to by your so-called brothers?


I hope that one day you will see that freemasonry is a gradual shift into satanism,

And don't take my word for it, do the research, mate!

Why haven't you researched freemasonry before you became a member?
That one always makes me curious.

Don't you understand that if you write this:

The most secret plot I have seen has been "who is bringing food and who is bringing alcohol to the next meeting?"

This doesn't say a thing because it is all layered. You are very simply not at that level or layer, yet.

Please read the book

And they tell lies to the lower layers or levels.

It is all in there black & white, but off course....


0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 01:38 pm
Albert Pike explained in Morals & Dogma how the true nature of Freemasonry is kept a secret from Masons of lower degrees:

"The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry. The whole body of the Royal and Sacerdotal Art was hidden so carefully, centuries since, in the High Degrees, as that it is even yet impossible to solve many of the enigmas which they contain. It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labor in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept. Masonry is the veritable Sphinx, buried to the head in the sands heaped round it by the ages. "

Happy now? See, being a mason isn't the whole story!

The best thing to do is LEAVE freemasonry as fast as you can, mate!

If you stay it is at your own peril!

Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 01:47 pm
And if you are really interested into how freemasons lie, read this book an I hope your eyes may open:


This world is filled from bottom to top with lies by freemasons!
And, yes, those shootings are one of them.
Why? Because the freemasonic psychopaths wants the gun of the people before we wake up to what is really going on in this world.

Good luck, and I sincerely hope you do what is best for you and your familiy!

After reading and understand this and then staying in freemasonry makes you complicit in their numerous crimes mate!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 02:08 pm
Well, my dad was a Mason, my granddad was a Mason, kind of a family thing. My dad was a District Deputy Grand Master. That means he acts as the Masonic Grand Master for his district. Also a Shriner and in the Scottish Rite. He was the master of our lodge off and on for awhile.

Did you know that Mason donate over a million dollars a day to charities and the Shriners Hospitals for Kids don't charge anything to their young patience. I mean beyond their eternal souls, oops, I didn't mean to say that.

I love to read about the Free Mason mythos and conspiracy topics because it is just so far out there.
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 02:43 pm
Well, my dad was a Mason, my granddad was a Mason, kind of a family thing. My dad was a District Deputy Grand Master. That means he acts as the Masonic Grand Master for his district. Also a Shriner and in the Scottish Rite. He was the master of our lodge off and on for awhile.

Did you know that Mason donate over a million dollars a day to charities and the Shriners Hospitals for Kids don't charge anything to their young patience. I mean beyond their eternal souls, oops, I didn't mean to say that.

I am only asking you to do the research and read Morals & Dogma e.g.
Why don't you do that?
Then you will understand why your family members oul do what they did without you and others finding out. And what the real reason is that they donated so much money to charities. It has to do with their very evil

It is very telling that in your reply you don't talk about what Albert Pike wrote. You only tell your own experiences. Why don't you adress what Albert Pike wrote? That you are being lied to?

I love to read about the Free Mason mythos and conspiracy topics because it is just so far out there.

That is the whole idea mate. That it is 'far out there". But you don't seem to
even have read some very important freemasonic literature.

Do your research and be prepared to find out what your family did behind the screens! I tell you, it won't be pretty.

But it seems you want to stay in denial isn't it.

Your posting is missing on logic and fact, mate.

Are you aware of that?
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Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 02:59 pm
This seems to be an apron for a District Deputy Grand Master

Don't you really see how crazy and childish it all is , including all those Grand names? It feels just like stupid chidren, playing a game to make them important.

I feel for the idiots in freemasonry, BUT they are very dangerous.
And I refer to the higher degrees of course, the blue people are just very stupid because they have joined an organisation without doing any research. Anyone in his right mind would never become a member of such an idiotic club!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 03:09 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 07:05 pm
My Grandfather was a Mason, and several of my great uncles were also members, one great aunt belonged to the Eastern Star. So I guess I belong to a family of conspirators which is much more fun than being a conspiracy loony.

By the way, if you think women can't belong to shadowy subversive groups, take another look at Avon and MaryKay, and if the FBI isn't tracking the Tupperware ladies they better get on the ball.
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 08:32 pm
Re those Facebook posts: it's difficult to see how a couple of messages posted under a pseudonym, using privacy settings which restricted access to a small circle of friends, and written in Urdu, could have been discovered by a Google search conducted by a State Department bureaucrat reviewing her visa application, or for that matter, by her family:

San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik sent at least two private messages on Facebook to a small group of Pakistani friends in 2012 and 2014, pledging her support for Islamic jihad and saying she hoped to join the fight one day, two top federal law enforcement officials said Monday.

The new details indicate U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies missed warnings on social media that Malik was a potential threat before she entered the United States on a K-1 fiancee visa in July 2014.

The two Facebook messages were recovered by FBI agents investigating whether Malik and her husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, received any direct encouragement, financial support or specific instructions from foreign terrorist organizations before they carried out the Dec. 2 attacks.

One of the officials characterized the messages as “her private communications … to a small group of her friends.”

The official added, “it went only to this small group in Pakistan.” The official said they were written in Urdu, an official language of Pakistan.


The use of a pseudonym is confirmed here:


As for the other L.A. Times article you linked to, it requires careful reading. For example:

" "She used to talk to somebody in Arabic at night on the Internet. None of our family members in Pakistan know Arabic, so we do not know what she used to discuss," the family member said."

The article strings together quotes from different family members, responding to different reporters, in response to undisclosed questions asked in different contexts. Interpreting those remarks is tricky, all the more so because they are interspersed with and connected by the interpolations of the reporters. A statement that her Facebook posts were of concern to family members, for example, doesn't tell us which posts, or the reason for the concern.

Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 10:08 pm
A statement that her Facebook posts were of concern to family members, for example, doesn't tell us which posts, or the reason for the concern.

Yeah, probably even the mother, who had been living in a small "bomb-making factory" with these terrorists for months, didn't even know about these facebook posts, eh? But even if she had, I doubt that it would have caused her any "concern," know what I'm sayin?

So there goes that wack-ass theory about "concern to family members," eh?
Reply Tue 15 Dec, 2015 11:59 pm
it's difficult to see how a couple of messages posted under a pseudonym, using privacy settings which restricted access to a small circle of friends, and written in Urdu, could have been discovered by a Google search conducted by a State Department bureaucrat reviewing her visa application,

Yeah, I agree with this. And without more it's hard to say if the responsible agencies (I aint talking about visa inspectors) should have picked up clues.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2015 01:10 am
My Grandfather was a Mason, and several of my great uncles were also members, one great aunt belonged to the Eastern Star. So I guess I belong to a family of conspirators which is much more fun than being a conspiracy loony.

But you don't write what degrees they had! So, you aren't saying a thing here!
If they were low levels freemasons, then no one would have told them or shown them.
If they were high level degrees, they were not allowed to tell anyone , including the family! Not even their wives!
Why don't do these masons their homework??
Have you read Morals & Dogma's? And other very important freemasonic 'literature'?

By the way, if you think women can't belong to shadowy subversive groups, take another look at Avon and MaryKay, and if the FBI isn't tracking the Tupperware ladies they better get on the ball.

Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2015 03:41 am
As I understand it, the "bombs" were made in the garage, whereas the mother lived in the residential portion of the home. Presumably the bomb maker didn't leave the evidence lying around when he wasn't working on it (say, when the mother wasn't home or when she was asleep). It wouldn't be the first time that criminal activity (drugs, pornography, and yes, bomb-making) went on at a residence without a mother having definite knowledge of it.

Does that mean the mother didn't know? Not at all. But in and of itself, the fact that she shared a residence isn't sufficient to conclude that she knew about it.

Why do I put "bombs" in quotes? One of the odd aspects of this case is that Farook supposedly spent months making pipe bombs with his neighbor (the one who purchased the two rifles). The neighbor says they did this "as a hobby". This is the same neighbor who says that several years ago he and Farook had been plotting a different attack, that was never acted upon; and also that there are numerous terrorist sleeper cells in Los Angeles.

These were black powder pipe bombs, which anyone can make. And apparently they did. For months. Using Farook's machine tools in his garage. So I would assume that Farook would know how to make a working pipe bomb.

Yet, none of the bombs known to police seem to have worked. During the police chase one of these pipe casings was tossed out. No explosion, and from later reporting, no explosives. It has also been reported that bombs were left at the center where the shootings took place. No explosions. It was also reported that bombs were left as booby traps at Farook's home. Then it was reported that no booby traps were left. Finally, it was reported that a dozen pipe bombs were found at the home.

Why did the neighbor purchase the rifles, but not the two handguns?

Why did Farook and Malik drive very slowly down residential streets during the police "chase" and why did they turn on their emergency blinkers as they did so?

Why did the FBI allow reporters access to what should have been a sealed crime scene just shortly after forensic examination, instead of keeping it sealed in case (as often happens) something new or overlooked or reconsidered later developed, or a lab test or evidence collection needed to be redone? Why did reporters need an open-house press party at all?

Why would Malik post a Facebook comment pledging allegiance to ISIS, at about the time of the shootings, after she was committed to overt acts of violence -- but do so under an alias? What was the alias, exactly what time was the post made, and how is it known that she posted it?

I'm not implying anything with these questions. These are simply a few of the questions I have, after watching news reports. Perhaps they can be answered here.
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2015 03:50 am
As I understand it, the "bombs" were made in the garage, whereas the mother lived in the residential portion of the home. Presumably the bomb maker didn't leave the evidence lying around

Why do you "presume" that? From what I've read signs of bomb making were all over the small apartment, bedrooms, living room, kitchen. Once completed the bombs were stored in the garage, and some of were probably "made" there too, but not exclusively. The garage was attached to the apartment in any event. Anyone in the house could go through the door. If they spent all their time there, why would you "presume" the mother never came out to talk to them?

What was the alias, exactly what time was the post made, and how is it known that she posted it?

You have a lot of "why's and "what's. I read that facebook closed the account, after tracing it, and contacted authorities. Apparently that's how they first learned those details.

Why would Malik post a Facebook comment pledging allegiance to ISIS, at about the time of the shootings, after she was committed to overt acts of violence -- but do so under an alias?

Good question. Why did they smash their cell phones? Why did they dispose of their PC hard drive? What CONNECTIONS were they trying to hide?
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2015 04:09 am
I notice that you have posted conspiracy theories linking Catholics, Zionists, and Freemasons. I recall the Nazis talking about "the Jewish, Catholic, Masonic conspiracy". May I ask if you are a neo-Nazi, Nazi, fascist, White supremacist, Identity Church follower, or have any affiliations that are generally described as right-wing? Just curious. You also seem antagonistic to Jehovah's Witnesses (so too the Nazis), and have mentioned fluoride conspiracy theories (an old John Birch Society favorite).

Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2015 04:33 am
layman wrote: " From what I've read signs of bomb making were all over the small apartment, bedrooms, living room, kitchen."

What signs? And where did you read that? Do you have a link? Everything I've seen suggests that the bomb factory was confined to the garage.

To answer your question, I presume that the bomb maker would conceal signs of the activity when not engaged in it, for the simple reason that the activity is illegal, and a garage is a semi-public space in residential neighborhoods where the garage door is opened for access and guests (not all of them co-conspirators) might sometimes visit or locals passing by might be able to see into.

Presumably the mother wouldn't visit the garage if she were at work or otherwise absent when these activities took place, or in the middle of the night, or against the orders of the only man in the residence after having been raised in an intensely patriarchal society. I saw something the other day about a serial church bomber who lived with his single (or separated or widowed) mother. He wasn't religiously motivated, incidentally. There was no suggestion that authorities found her culpable in any way.

Facebook hasn't shared any of those details, in public media, so far as I know. So, the questions remain unanswered.

Yes, I agree that destroying phones and computer drives suggests an attempt to hide something. How does this prove your assumption that anyone living at a residence must know about the criminal activities of other residents?
Reply Wed 16 Dec, 2015 05:44 am
I notice that you have posted conspiracy theories linking Catholics, Zionists, and Freemasons. I recall the Nazis talking about "the Jewish, Catholic, Masonic conspiracy". May I ask if you are a neo-Nazi, Nazi, fascist, White supremacist, Identity Church follower, or have any affiliations that are generally described as right-wing? Just curious. You also seem antagonistic to Jehovah's Witnesses (so too the Nazis), and have mentioned fluoride conspiracy theories (an old John Birch Society favorite).

My oh My, talking about ad hominems now! Why are you doing that?

Anyway I will go into your stupidity:

neo-Nazi, Nazi, fascist, White supremacist, Identity Church follower, or have any affiliations that are generally described as right-wing?


Do some research, mate! Find out if I am right or wrong instead of being biased in this way. And adress the arguments instead of attacking the person.
But can you do that?

Reading and watching too much mainstream-media , mate?

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