Thu 16 Jan, 2003 10:30 am
Immigration case has potential implications for war on terror
Wednesday, January 15, 2003 Posted: 4:35 PM EST (2135 GMT)
The case drew protests outside the Supreme Court Wednesday.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Supreme Court is looking at whether resident aliens should be afforded the same constitutional rights as citizens .
At issue is whether non-citizens should be afforded legal due process before deportation proceedings begin.
What is your opinion?
au, Using common sense, if 19 of the 21 hijackers of the planes used to kill Americans were Arabs, this country has every right to investigate all non-citizens of Arab decent, and deport anybody they determine to be a threat to our citizens. They are "guests" in this country. As guests, we have the right to deport them to their home country to increase the safety of American citizens in the US. They have the same rights in their own country; they can deport all Americans they feel are a threat to their health and safety. c.i.
cicerone imposter
The court case is about whether non citizens should be afforded the same constitutional legal rights as a citizen not whether they eventually get deported. Further it applies to all non citizens not only those from Arab states.
au, No, not until we are assured safety to the extent our health and safety, economy, and American jobs (with limits) are protected. c.i.