Tue 22 Oct, 2002 03:26 pm
I'll be crusing between Valparaiso and Buenos Aires next month, and wondered how calm or rough the water will be?
Anybody out there with information on water conditions for South America in November? Any info will be greatly appreciated.
Thx, c.i.
Valparaiso, Indiana?
Sorry, CI.....Saw that name and
Very funny! Yah, cruising from Valparaiso, Indiana, a landlocked town. c.i. Thanks for the laugh.
ci, I tried to look into your request but didn't find any notable info.
From my experience I can tell you that the water hereabouts is pretty calm all the time but I don't like to make weather predictions as the weather has a way of making me look like a dolt.
Craven, I'm not surprised you can't find anything on the water conditions in South America. I've tried and tried for the past month, and have been unsuccessful. Even the travel company can't provide that info! I was wondering if I needed to prepare myself for rough waters, and bring some motion sickness prevention meds or wrist bands. I can handle moderately rough waters, but I do get sick in rough waters. c.i.
I found some weather stations like this one:
But the data they give is hard to analyse and harder to draw conclusions from. As to roght water I say just be prepared. Even if they say it will be calm, weather has that unpredictable quality abot it.
Here's what I experienced during my twelve night cruise of South America. During eight days of the cruise, the water was calm enough for people to walk a straight line on the ship. During two days, the water was quite rough, and people walked around like they had one too many to drink, and heard some people got seasick. On the other two days, the water was somewhere between calm and rough, but for short periods. Overall, I was able to handle it without meds, ginger, or wrist bands. A cruise company rep said she'll look into it, and get back to me, but she never did. So much for dependable travel agents. c.i.