This thread is a good example of what I believe to be the fundamental disagreement that is the basis of most discussions about religion in this forum.
That disagreement centers on the answer to the following question(s):
Are religion and, indeed, the capacity of humans to form opinions, make decisions, and take actions based on faith, essentially corrupting influences on human nature and/or the human condition?
Are religion and faith simply powerful vehicles for the realization of the corrupt aspects of human nature: greed, aggression, lust (for power as well as physical pleasure) and hatred?
Fortunately, this discussion didn't get too far off the track by personalizing the debate and this is to the credit of the primary participants. However, it not only didn't come to any satisfactory conclusion (which is too much to ask in any case), but it didn't seem to come to terms with what the disagreement is fundamentally about.
Of course my identification of the disagreement is based on my opinion, my thoughts, and my conclusion. It isn't written any where that it is so, and other may reasonably argue that I've misidentified it, but if this is the case I would really like to learn what they think it might actually be.
My opinion may be oversimplification. Obviously I don't believe this to be the case, but I am open to an argument that it is. I may have succumbed to the temptation of reducing what is usually a big hairy mess to a fundamental question upon which we can all focus, and if so, I am happy to consider the layers others may believe I've discarded for the sake of simplicity.
I think the article leads to two strategies, both the opposite of eradicating religion !!!!
1) People need to know much more about religion than they now do. Is this the only topic in the world where you recommend ignorance ?
2) You for some reason refuse to name Islam but that makes my other point more point-ed...We must start working for FREEDOM OF RELIGION so that those who have stepped on a different path are not murdered and persecuted for following their conscience. This is what was the genesis of the United States Constitution after all. all those persecuted believers in the Old World seeking a place to believe as they want.
You believe as you want, why work to deprive others.
I agree. Everyone should be allowed to believe what they want as long as it dosent hurt anyone. What tees me off is someone constantly telling me I should believe in a god whose only proof of exsistance is a book written by men who claim they were influenced by the same God who influenced my schizophrenic mother.
You speak of eradication and you don't see your hypocrisy ? Your violence will be your own death and who will feel sorry for you. You allow no one to disagree with you..