auto page redirect based on user choice from a splash screen
Hi All,
Sorry for my first post being a question rather than just a hi! So hi first
Hopefully this old post will be bumped by my reply, so here goes...
I am trying to complete a task for work where they would like users to be automatically redirected to a specific country's page based on an option they select from a splash screen every time they go to that page.
Unfortunately the company I work for still lives pretty much in the dark ages so this would have to be a javascript / cookie / html solution. I did a quick google for meta refreshing to a specific page based on a cookie and didnt find anything atall apart from this post which looks very promising.
Craven suggested in one of his posts that this was very possible, but I could not see a link to an example of this being done, or the code used. If possible would someone be able to explain to me what needs to be done to make this word and give an example of where it is being done.
There are only 2 options on this splash screen which are choices between viewing the content of a site in 2 different languages both of which have separate URLs and so a meta refresh should work fine here as no variable needs to be taken through to define the users language selection.
I think thats everything, any help is greatly appreciated.