Tue 27 Jul, 2004 12:35 am
I have a theory on why little children seem to be hurt so often by the littlest things. This has something to do with the fact that all their yound lives parents give them a perspective of the world that is supposed to make it out to be glorious and happy all the time, like nothing could hurt them. So, if a child falls down stairs or stubs his or her toe, the pain felt is more of an emotional shock that this perfect world isnt so perfect afterall. It's sort of a feeling of "how could you do this to me world?"
Those are just my thoughts, tell me what ya think.
I absolutely agree with that! "the pain felt is more of an emotional shock that this perfect world isnt so perfect afterall. It's sort of a feeling of "how could you do this to me world?" Yes!
more on pain
Exactly!!! I think that is the reason why sometimes little children look around bewildered for a few seconds before crying uncontrollably for an annoying amount of time, they are confused as to what the world has done, and when they figure it out, they start bawling.
"before crying uncontrollably for an annoying amount of time"

heehee! Nicely said!
Yeah, but even if children are not sheltered and have a hard life where a parent does not care for them then they will stilll be shocked and cry at the smallest thing. So maube its not so nuch that the parents are giving them this picture, we are just born and naively that is what we think from the beginning.
Yes, that is true, that is a very good point.
Children are totally dependent on their parents and the strong crying response is needed to elicit a protective response. Adults feel the same pain, but they can acess more accurately the immediate danger in relation to the pain.
I've encountered neonate alligators in the wild that, upon sighting me, produced grunting sounds, which are distress calls meant to draw the mother to the scene, and functions to preclude attacks from predators, in this case me.
Emotional pain and physical pain seem to elicit some crying from babes of all varieties. But I do believe most mothers can tell the difference in types of cries as it is the only way the have to communicate. Except for smiling.
I think the real question is can babies understand each other???
I think that babies can understand eachother, even if they don't know it themselves. They subconsciously go along with what's going on around them. For example, have you ever been in a room or heard of a room where one baby starts crying and in a few short seconds the sounds of whaling and piercing screams are echoing off the walls and bombarding your ears? They are very easily upset, that's for sure.
But what does this say about babies who you hear about that never cry, or people who's mothers swear that their child barely ever cried? What makes them that way?
I agree with the fact that babies cry from a feeling that the world has done something unexpected to them more than the physical hurt. I believe it is also in part that in their short lives they have not experienced great pain as yet and so a stubbed toe to them is the most painful thing they have ever experienced. Adults have had many years experience in pain to compare to and in the long run a stubbed toe is just nothing to us.
Re: thoughts on early pain
Babies and little children experience the world as an extension of themselves. They do not understand that things - and people - have an independent existence. They have an egotist view of the world, because their first experiences are only within their bodies, like hunger or pain. And it is a painful process to learn that others - including the mother - have their own identities.
There are people that never learn that.
Babies have a loud, irritating cry because they are totally dependent on their mothers for their survival, and the cry is the only way to express their needs verbally. It may have taken thousands or tens of thousands of years to develop a cry so irritating that even the worse of mothers couldn't ignore it.
Emotional pain can cause physical pain ,so some think.Physical pain is caused by sensor's in our body .We feel heat and cold and feel physical pain ,mental pain is hidden from our eye's,since we can't see into the mind.Certian parts of the brain do control physical pain ,just as the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.Mind over body has helped some control physical pain ,studies have shown that babie's in side the womb feel "stress" when the mother feels pain.When a mother is in labor the fetus "stress's, feels pain.Some even think that when a pregnant woman suffer's in a abusive relationship,the unborn child suffers too,developeing learning and mental disabilties in thier live's later.I played music when expecting each of my children,two love music,third hate's it.So I guess it remains to be proven if a person feel's pain before birth.
Not long ago I read a study (if I can find it again I'll post it) showing that the same part of the brain is activated when we experience pain ourselves and when we see people we care about experience pain. Essentially, "I feel your pain" is true.
I took Mo with me to donate blood yesterday and he is still today assuring me that "its going to be okay".
When he is hurt I rush to his aid, usually it isn't anything that a kiss won't cure.
I imagine that all the crying is more to evoke a sympathetic response than to the actual pain involved.
Crying is a Emotion,a reaction to something we feel or see,babies cry when they are wet, hungry,lonely,or in need of comfort.It's thier only mean's of communicating with us.Adults learn to control the emotion.Since we can say what is wrong.It is said that only babies cry,not so some of us adults are still big babie's.Some people feel pain more than other's.One person may be able to stand a tooth-ache,while another may be at death's door due to the pain.It's all about what we are and what we feel as a individual.