Tue 20 Oct, 2015 04:07 am
I had a nightmare about some rich beautiful woman like Kim Kardashian, who had trained herself how to make poop art. As if she somehow got her digestive system to half way digest her food, so that when she pooped it looked colorful. I saw in horrifying detail, her pooping right in front of me. Regardless if her poop was art or if it smelled less stinky, it was utterly disgusting. Like watching someone cut open a dead body, it was just as graphic. It scared me and made think she was the nastiest person I had ever seen, but the rich men who supported her loved that she could do that.
The poop that came out of her looked like her bowel had taken remains of spaghetti and pink and green candy and churned them out of her like how ground beef is churned into stringy red worms. When it came out of her ass it looked like that at first. Like ground beef being churned into strings. Then as it continued coming out of her ass, it flopped on the ground and it looked a Passion flower made out of organs and halfway digested food. The outer petals were reddish pink strings and the center was the color of ravioli, and part of the center had what looked green taffy incorporated in it as part of the center petals. It was so disgusting, just looking at it, you could know instinctively that those combinations of colors are found no where in nature on their own. It was like a universal subliminal message to run far away as fast as you can. This really evil rich guy, who does charity to distract people from the fact that he enjoys doing evil things when no one is looking, I am scared he will turn this nightmare I had into a reality. I chronicle my dreams because I think that they do have validity some where. Like these are the kinds of things rich people do for fun when they're amongst themselves. Like it's where the idea of Pomo art comes from. It scares the living hell out of me.
Calm down there, slugger.
Here's the validity of your dream -
Your subconscious projected a fear (probably a fear of being unclean) and married it to a desire (to be rich and beautiful).
And that's about it.
You've got an active imagination. Congratulations!
That's all it means.
I had a dream last night where this guy was chasing me in the salmon colored hot rod. So he finally caught up with me and forced me to paint his car some better color.
Am I gay?
Nope. Salmon is out of style. Puce, on the other hand ....
I still think people out there really do that.
Jewish people are actuallt a ptsd trigger for me, no offense intended. I'm not in any way trying to be funny or passive aggressive. The idea of someone belonging to a Jewish community really makes me scared of them, because I met someone very evil who was from a Jewish background.
That made me lol. If your brave enough to ask other people about it, maybe your not gay. Most of the time having gay sex makes you gay, so even if you stare at men's butts it doesn't count.
You met someone you don't like that scared you and you now fear millions of those people? You are being idiotic.