Sat 24 Jul, 2004 11:11 am
Britain has always crowed to the rest of the world about us being leaders of the world in the most basic human right -FREEDOM.
Oh yeh read on,
Hey! All guilty people started off as innocent people! Just think if we had a national DNA database most criminals would be caught within a few hours!
Of course, I'm talking crap.
"Indeed, those amongst the usual suspects who are innocent will at once be exonerated."
What ever happened to the idea of presumed innocents?
Just to be The Devil's Advocate here, what is the difference between the government keeping files of innocent people's fingerprints, and innocent people's DNA?
I don't think Jim there is any difference, why should the state be allowed to keep D.N.A. or fingerprints or anything else on file of innocent people?
What is the next step, implanting babies at birth with a microchip so they can be monitored for life?
With the cry of the truly mentally challenged shouting "hey if you got nuffink to hide, whats wrong wiv it"
This is a road that we would be ill advised to travel.