croc man

poor ole steve, he's a bit of a giggle hey....strange how some percieve how we are down here....i'm a white aussie, born n bred here...i live in sth east queensland about a spit from steves zoo..neat place....
but let me tell you..we have aboriginals all over our country....their not just out there in the 'outback' as wild bush natives that run around naked, with a lizard in one hand and a witchetty grub in the other throwing boomerangs at each other......those days are gone....(which is a little sad, their past history is being lost, and now a lot of indigenous children grow up in a white world with little knowledge to their dreamtime past)
a lot of our indigenous people are employed in many positions within government and local councils,as well as their police and welfare organisations....
steve goes away a lot working up north in the bush with these people catching and tagging crocs...he's a country boy and he knows the experience these people have in their own lands..
my bit...