Quote: But you have to realize nothing you have been through is ever wasted
People routinely waste experience, refuse to learn and grow, but that is a choice. You dont have to do that. So many people when they suffer trauma curl up a die. The planet is teaming with walking dead people. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and learn how to turn the traumatic experience into food for the soul. So long as you do this by your last breath you win. I warn you though that this is long hard work. I only promise that it is worth doing.
I invite you to look into Alchemy or Spiritual Self Transformation . I consider myself very lucky to have discovered the Eastern and Western Mystics, who are usually shunned by the establishment but their wisdom is available.
I have said this before and I will keep saying it, the most alive and aware people I meet almost alway have been through torturous traumatic experience, though they dont usually advertise it. The best people are iron forged.