Re: Hey, I turn on the TV and a site member is on the tube
Monger wrote:
Thanks for the heads up! I'll see if they'll be playing it again...will be a shame if I've missed it.
I got the heads up in a wierd way.
On Friday at the office we were all sitting around and drinking and the subject came up. My co-worker asked the name of the cult and I told her.
Friday night she calls me and tells me to turn on the tube... she'd been watching and realized it was the same name.
I caught the last half. Jules deserves props for putting out the story under her own legal name.
She'd done it for a while under her internet name, and only a few connected that to a real name (I found out by accident, I was taking apart her flash chat to see if I could port it from ASP to PHP and saw that it was running under a domain name that was her legal name).
Anywho, the most interesting thing to me, was a story from someone from a different group who resembled the hallelujah's in every way, even in the intangibles.