Fri 16 Jul, 2004 09:17 pm
A member here (who never posted) is on NBC right now... how odd.
The cult I gew up in is being covered on Dateline.
Monger, Jules is on the tube, they are covering how she had to become a call girl when she left the Family, see if you can catch it.
NBC Dateline, "Losing Faith".
Re: Hey, I turn on the TV and a site member is on the tube
Craven de Kere wrote:The cult I gew up in is being covered on Dateline.
Homie, you grew up in a cult?
Am I the only one that finds this slightly bizarre.
No, I do too. But likely in a very different way.
prompted me to search out Joaquin Phoenix again and read his bio. I didn't see the Dateline show. I thought for one moment that you were speaking of our Monger until I read the entire piece. Such a pity, about Jules, but such a look into strangeness.
Re: Hey, I turn on the TV and a site member is on the tube
Craven de Kere wrote:The cult I grew up in is being covered on Dateline.
Truly, Craven?
What cult was it, Craven?
A2K demands to know!
I think most regulars knew of some of this--but that must be odd. To hear it called a cult--though you may have referred to it as such... Before, I'd always loosely envisioned it as a tie-dye, hardscrabble, , very restrictive agrarian commune with Christian overtones.
You have family still there, Craven? Do you talk to them? (Don't answer if too intrusive.) It just makes me sad for you and family.
I hate that I missed it. I think Dateline posts transcripts, yes? I am interested in the particulars of lifestyle, spirituality and location/s.
The cult was originally called "The Children of God" and changed their name to "The Family".
Yes I have family there (my whole immediate family except Lusatian and myself) and I talk to them sparingly (told my mom we should be better strangers until they educate my brothers and sisters).
Craven, I find that really interesting. I've often thought that there must have been something very unusual/special in your background & education. If it's not intrusive could I ask you when & under what circumstances you left?
I was kicked out around 1992 or 93 for being bad (pissed on a Bible and such).
Ah, a rebel!
One more question, if I that's OK, Craven: Are you self educated?
Caught the episode ... thought provoking. There's nothing I can say that possibly might add to what CdK and Monger might have to say, so I'll refrain, apart from repeating: "Thought provoking.", and adding "Its all relative, isn't it?"
I have mentioned this before and haven't chased down recently if there are any changes, but one of my exhusband's friends when they were in their teens went into the children of god family and has had the merest contact with her family since.. and that family was devastated. It's been over thirty years now...
The more I learn about Craven's life, the more interesting it becomes.
Which A2K-users here are (real) family? I mean, Craven de Kere and Lusatian are family it seems. Are there also others here who are for example brother and sister, father and son/daughter etc.?
hamburger and ebeth are father and daughter
misty and rae are mother and daughter
otherwise i dunno (couple of couples around too, of course)
nimh wrote:hamburger and ebeth are father and daughter
misty and rae are mother and daughter
otherwise i dunno (couple of couples around too, of course)
Thanks for the info nimh.
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