Thu 15 Jul, 2004 08:58 pm
in 2000 i modified my child support because my schedule changed and i was able to have my son for more than half the ex in the divorce papers has sole custody of my kids.they wanted to be with me and i them and my ex agreed to the its 2004 i live in arizona and my older son turned 18 in 2001 and my ex received a raise and her income now matches i informed her that i was going to modify the child support again and seeing that i have my now 11 year old son more than half the year she would recieve $0 she had a cow and threatened to only let me see him 70 days a year so she could get the same child support as before he wishes it remain the same and hes been on the honor roll the whole time i dont believe she has his best interest in mind. can she keep me from my son?
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