No you did not feel his "sprit". Yes this type of experience is normal (in that a lot of people have this type of feeling). And there are two possibilities to explain it.
1) You got lucky. This is not as amazing as it seems, because your brain probably has these feelings a lot of times and is wrong a lot of times. It is only the times you happen to be right that you remember.
2) Your brain is playing tricks on you. Your brain can make up new "memories" of things that never happened. You might have seen your friend ... and then after that point your brain went and invented a memory that you were thinking about him before (when you actually weren't). False memories are quite common in humans, there is quite a bit of research on this.
The way to test this is to write down all of the strong feelings you have. Then you can go back and put a check mark next to the ones that come true... and an "x" next to the ones that don't come true. I think you will see that your strong feelings aren't very accurate once you start actually checking them (instead of just relying on your memory).