najmelliw wrote:If there is such a thing as an afterlife, it's supposed to last for a long time. Another supposition is that all human beings go there after their lives here end.
Assuming that I'm human, and have something that can be reasonably called a life, I will go there to after my death.
That might have a serious negative impact on the capabilities of all other beings there trying to enjoy a semi - eternal state of hapiness. I think the alternative is more desirable, especially seen from the viewpoint of a firm utilitarianist, talking about the greatest hapiness for the greatest good. So, no afterlife. Either that, or an afterlife only for the elite.
My question is, is this merely a wish,or is it proof?
I'd have to say that is more of a wish.
Because, how about this scenario:
All the elite get to go to heaven.
The "bad" people go somewhere else where they don't bother the elite (hell, purgatory, earth again, whatever).
So, you could have an afterlife, with the elite in eternal happiness, not bothered by the un-elite.
(not that I can prove the above or even like the above model...just saying its a possible afterlife where the elite could be happy without negative impact..)