Mon 12 Jul, 2004 03:37 pm
Hate romantic comedy which is generally neither although I loved Before Sunrise and I liked this film and identified with Julie Delpy's character.
The Boston Phoenix suggested that Delpy and Ethan Hawke were such big movie stars that they were credible in their roles. As big a Delpy fan as I am, the names Delpy and Hawke DO NOT COME to mind when someone says movie star.
Loved the intelligence of this film
It is getting good critical response but will it survive at the box office? Not sure. Ethan Hawke is one of our most unappreciated excellent actors and Delpy is a star on the rise. Here's to more intelligent small movies who don't expect to cash in at the box office.
Delpy has been around a long time. Not only did she star in White, of the tricoleur trilogy, but some of her ideas were in the script. She's very natural on screen.
My folks just saw this movie, and they also saw Before Sunrise. They really enjoyed both movies.
When I saw previews of this, I immediately thought "Flavor of the month idiots in another moronic romantic comedy". It just looks like the same old shlocky crap. But maybe it isn't. I guess it's all about the marketing.
How would one market an intelligent movie that looks like a cutesy thow-away picture, like this one does? Maybe they should have shown more dialogue in the previews so people would get that it isn't just another nicely packaged piece of crap.
I love the "Red, White and Blue" trilogy and Delby will definitely go places in American cinema. Beware, kickycan, because it's a dialogue driven story but definitely not a packged effort.
It really is dialogue driven and there aren't that many laughs, as there in a film like, "when Harry Met Sally," an example of the upper level of typical romantic comedy.
Before Sunset reminded me somewhat of the famous conversation films, my favorite being an obscure movie starring three people (whose names have instantly fled my mind) who walk around a deserted Mount Ste. Michel and talk.
The stars were American actor Sam ....... who is now the spokesman for the investment firm and Swedish actress who was the center of Ingmar Berman's company and his real life love interest for awhile.
Also reminded me of My Dinner with Andre and Diner.
Wannamaker? Either of us can look that up in IMDb. "My Dinner With Andre" and "Diner" are good comparisons and they've become classics. Ethan Hawke has actually been in some really high quality films and was nominated for an Oscar.
No, it's Sam Waterston. Sam Wannamaker is the man who was the impetus behind the restoration of the Globe in London. Sam Waterston is a rather Lincolnesque actor with dark hair, now greying.
The 1990 movie called Mindwalk starred waterston, liv ullman and john heard.
I get them mixed up -- you are right, of course. I don't think I've ever seen that movie or else I don't remember it.
It was a real art house release. I saw it with a friend of mine whose son recommended it to her. She was mainly interested in the backdrop of Mount Ste Michel as her heritage is French. Mount Ste Michel is a magical place and I wouldn't be surprised if it, like the island of Angelsey, wasn't a Druidic place.
I'm amzed that there isn't greater enthusiasm for BEFORE SUNSET. People are discussing it and dissing it when they haven't even seen it! For my money it's the American movie of the year...superb acting, great dialogue, gorgeous cinematography. Anyone who can't identify with these characters has never been in love. Julie Delpy gives a classic performance. As much as I liked the first movie, BEFORE SUNSET is much better. The use of real time is nothing short of brilliant. See this movie, people, if you want to see that rare American movie of intelligence and character.