Linkat wrote:Well I guess then ebrown that any women born with out the capability to produce children has no important reason for living since their most important role has been taken away from them.
I never said any such thing. Saying "most important role" is not at all the same as "only important role".
I agree with Kristie, I probably would smack anyone that would say to my face that women should be nothing more than baby factories.
I didn't say this either. I said that producing babies is very important-- even the most important thing (biologically speaking at least). I was careful to point out that both men and women had their respective roles in this process.
And impregnating women for men is not even close to being as important as helping to raise the children. From the sounds of it, you would prefer women to be raped in order to bear children when they would obviously prefer to remain childless.
This is not factually true. If men (or the males of any species) stop impregnating women, the species will simply cease to exist. This is not true if the men stop helping to raise their young.
There are many species where the males have no part in childrearing, and there are human cultures where this was true. Both species and cultures can survive without men taking this role.
We may "need" as in a society to have babies in order for our species to survive, however, we have plenty of potential moms and dads that want to have babies without condemning those that would prefer not to have them.
I agree with this. I never condemned anyone.
Your comparisons reduces are human species to be that of an animal.
Sure. I think that's accurate
I also like your use of "in the past" - exactly "in the past" it was necessary, it no longer is. "In the past" it was necessary for parents to have lots of kids to help work - now children have the luxury of attending school. Should we go back to the past and have our children work again?
I am not saying we sould go back to anything.
I am just pointing out that it is foolish to assume that modern American culture is based on any intrinsic truth. The roles of men and women have changed but the way we do things is based on our specific values and needs as a society.
But the biological and social needs to produce babies hasn't changed. Sure, we have too many of them (or we keep too many of them alive), but I think it is safe to say that having babies remains very important.