If you've seen the film
Donnie Darko, you'll have laughed at the course the schoolkids are made to take on 'attitudinal beliefs,' where they are taught to avoid being "prisoners of their own fear," and told to see everything in terms of "fear" and "love".
But it's not made up! Those courses are frighteningly real! I just came across a website by somebody called Lee Jampolsky, and he says,
Quote:Attitudinal Healing is based on three simple truths:
1. There are really only two emotions: love and fear.
2. There is really only one problem: the belief that you are separate from God, humanity, and nature.
3. There is really only one solution: discovering that the essence of your being is love.
People actually believe that crap! I'm thinking of number 1 mainly. I mean I suppose it depends on what kind of approach you take to emotion - maybe fear and love are supposed to be general categories which encompass a whole range of emotions, But you can just imagine what this Lee guy would put in the 'fear' category - maybe I should read the rest of his site before I make this assumption - but I bet he'd say lust is a product of fear, and things like shyness - all these self-help gurus think everybody needs to be really outgoing and sociable all the time, but what's wrong with beign a little shy? What's wrong with sitting at home and reading a book instead of going to that stupid party and putting on fake smiles all night?
There isn't really any point to this thread, but I'm sure somebody'll have something to say on something I've just blurted out. Or if not, nevermind...