Fri 10 Jan, 2003 06:56 am
This poem is inspired by a true event in my life very recently (while I was on vacation). After getting a nod from one of my critics (you know who u r), I am being bold enough to showcase it here !!! Hope you guys like it - any feedback will be most appreciated.
To Alex, who I met on the dance floor. I am sorry !
Blaring music,
On the dance floor
Subdued lighting,
showing just silhouettes
People, people,
I catch yr eye,
And u catch mine
Signals pass,
Expectations rise
We move closer together
Dancing a prelude,
To making love
Hands follow where
the eyes were lingering,
Sparks fly,
No, its not static,
But chemistry
Lips meet
Saliva is exchanged
Before names
We keep dancing,
Kissing, talking
Oblivious to the music
Or the people
Around us.
You want me,
And I want you
Now, here
Desire seeps out,
From every pore,
With our sweat.
The smell of passion
the fragrance
of our perfumes
And then
I call you,
by his name
Like it, Gautam!
makes me sad.....
Well, Gautam, my friend. You have come a long way from diamontes and cinquains. Yes, as Deb said, lovely, but sad.
Keep it up, Gautam.
Thanks !!
But why did u feel sad ?
I can't speak for Deb, Gautam, but the sadness came when I read the line about calling your new found friend by another's name. You may have meant it in jest, but it occurred to me that many a gaffe such as this could demolish a potentially strong relationship. Am I taking myself too seriously again?
I just came across your poem.
It's nicely done, vivid and -I have to concur with the others- a little sad.
Got any more?
Gautam - I didn't answer your question from ages ago - I found it sad because you aren't over the other feller yet - not to mention the calling the chappy by the wrong name was a bummer of a smeg-up of a potentially fun evening....
Thanks once again guyz for all the appreciation. Yes, it has been more than 3 years now since we parted, but the love which we had for each other during the one year we were together was so pure and so intense, that we both are finding it difficult to move on. Yeah, in a way it is sad, but as someone said, it is better to have loved and lost than not loved at all !!
I liked it too, Gautam.
The excitement & hope of new possibilities ... Then the melancholy & let down when you realise that it's STILL that special someone you need & want ...
Gautam, sometimes it takes me ages to mavigate a2k, but I'm glad I finally made it to your poem.
I too found it sad in the way most of life is sad. Not tragic, or beyond recovery, but in the way that passion can, for the moment, make one forget true love. And then the realization that even the memory of love can interupt and dilute the most passionate embrace.
I hope you post more of your work.