The pyramidal shape is on an upper right quadrant of the nasa photo. Its there and its probably a tetrahedral shape from a cleaved off hunk of basalt or diabase. (the same kin of rocks in the devils tower or the giants staircase etc). Theres a "devils staircase near Bath Maine that shows a tetrahedral shape when viewed from the beach. I guess this is a similar feature.
Because it rather small (the pix dont really show scale so Im assuming that the rocks are in the pebble and gravel size (not something as big as a house.
I think its gunga's mindset that sees aliens in everything. I hope he can enjoy a naturl feature for what it is, a curiosity. Otherwise, we will have another episode of "ancient Aliens" for the H2 channel.
One thing that maybe supports sets "photoshopping" is the shadow from the pyramid. All the other rocks appear to have the light from above while the pyramid appears to have its light from the sky to the upper left of the the pyramid