Mon 5 Jul, 2004 02:13 am
Which four legged animal can run a mile in the least time?
no tricks, straightforward question.
I believe it might be a pronghorn antelope or a Thomson's gazelle, because I don't think a cheetah can run at 70 mph for more than 15 seconds and that would only cover about 30% of a mile.
2 men on a treadmill inside a very fast large transport.
With a flying start.
It is a pronghorn for that specific length of run kev. The cheetah is an anerobic runner its a sprinter that is still evolving. Its cellular mitochondria are still tiny wrt to its lithe running frame, as if its evolved from a stal;king type of hunter. The antelope has huge cellular mitochondria which carry the oxygen to the cellular level and this animal can go all day and run at about 60mph. Now if the cheetah would sneak up on an antelope so its differential in speed would allow it to catch the antelope , then its a successful hunt for the cheetah. Of course the cheetah would first have to buy a plane ticket to get to the new world .
I'm with Gautam. It's a cheetah. As I recall those cats can gain speed of up to 50mph.
The cheetah can run over 70 miles per hour for short bursts but its prey, the gazelle, can run 60 miles per hour for a long time.
400/500 yards is about a cheetah's limit then it gives up.
Craven and Farmerman have it Kev.
Quote:The pronghorn antelope of western United States has maintained 60 mph for two miles and 36 mph for 27 miles.
And Salukis are faster than Greyhounds.
Craven and Farmerman get a virtual toffee apple each.
My source just called it the american antelope, but I've had a look at a pic of it and it is the pronghorn.
How did I just KNOW that it would be American?
We demand a test for anabolic steroids.
no, that would only be valid were it a FEMALE RUSSIAN antelope
I can think of Marion Joneski and Flo-Joeskaya
the cheetah would die if it ran longer than a few seconds. It's body stores all the heat while running for efficiency, if it doesn't stop to cool off, its like running a car engine in teh red zone. The heat build-up would kill the brain.
farmerman have u read racing the antelope? (written by my father)
no havent, I hope your father uses entire words and not "netspeak"
what, are you insulting me AND my father? it surprises me that one who prides himself as such a naturalist would not even have heard of bernd heinrich