Sun 4 Jul, 2004 06:08 pm
Having seen the awesome Spiderman 2 recently, I started brainstorming and looking into how many significant 'christ figures' have graced the cinema screen before, and these are my findings:
Neo in the Matrix trilogy.
Newman in Cool Hand Luke.
Stewart in Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.
Monster in Bride of Frankenstein.
Alien in E.T.
Klaatu in The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Alien in K-Pax.
Superman in Superman(s).
Starman in Starman.
James Cole in Twelve Monkeys.
John Connor in T,T2,T3.
John Coffey in The Green Mile.
Replicant in Bladerunner- POSSIBLY
And now Spidy in Spiderman 2.
Harry Potter?
Andy in The Shawshank Redemption?
The dentist in MASH, woman in Dogma, and Simon in Lord of the Flies don't count.
Care to add one?
The Alien in ET is a Christ figure? Anyway, as long as we're adding, let's add Rambo to the list.
WOW!! I remember when Catholic intellectuals were seeking Christ figures in films during the 60s. Gandalf in LOTR is obvious.
I belive Gandalf in LOTR was consciously a Christ figure as Tolkien worked closely on one of the King James Version of the Bible translations.
Welcome to A2K adt4m.
Christ as a superhero nothing really new, at least he was a "superstar" in "Jesus Christ, Superstar."
I was always surprised that if he could walk on water then why he couldn't also fly. :wink:
I'd add the main character, Max, played by Jeff Bridges in "Fearless" and
Bruce Willis in "Unbreakable."
The alien in "Alien" is like a Devil image. There are also many of those.
Will put on my thinking cap and return.
A very obvious Christ figure is Stracci in Pasolini's "La Ricotta".
Other possible, but disputable, Christ figure is Jack Nicholson's character in "One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest".
I don't see John Connor as a Christ figure in the Terminator trilogy. Strangely enough, I found The Terminator (in T2) as a Christ figure: he's the one who sacrifices to save mankind.
In Blade Runner there is really no redemption. So there is no Christ figure.
I agree fbaezer -- "Blade Runner" is technology running wild and the dehumanization of the human spirit. It's a mirror of the ills of civilisation today. As far as Biblical reference, I could see Harrison as Job.
The lead character in the Brazilian film MAN FACING SOUTH-EAST(1986) If you haven't seen this film I highly recommend it.
How about Donnie Darko in "Donnie Darko?"
He's not a perfect candidate, but he does die to save everyone else, and he is supposed to be the sort of 'chosen one.' And he's a bit of a superhero too, like Spiderman.
I like that entry, agrote.
Peter O'Toole in LORD JIM
Add: Charlton Heston in The Omega Man.
Santiago from Old Man and the Sea.
Obi Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars trilogy.
Abbe Faria in The Count of Monte Cristo, both novel and various movies
Re: Christ figures in film
adt4m wrote:
The dentist in MASH, woman in Dogma, and Simon in Lord of the Flies don't count.
The 'woman' in Dogma is no ordinary woman!! She is the legendary Alanis Morrisette!
Vroonika will be appalled at your disregard for such an important person.
By 'woman in Dogma' I meant the main character, the descendent of Jesus, who is the chosen one. Platoon- I've read that, but how is he a Christ figure? Also, add this: Howard Beale in Network.
Oop, thats me told
Maybe I should watch Dogma before i go shooting my mouth orf..
How about Alex from Clockwork Orange? He's got apostles. He's betrayed. He's seen as the solution to the nation's violence problems. And he is the scapegoat that dies (is caught) for the sins of his generation.
I viddy he'd make a horrorshow Jesus, O me brothers. That poor lamb to the slaugher.