Quote:And do you have a clue about why they grow or how to respond to movements like Isis, Boko Haram, etc.?
The reason why they grow is a misguided response to that urge to 'be a part of something bigger'.
Our first response should be to stop pretending that it isn't. Since that drive is universally present, stop thinking you can wipe it out by eliminating the current crop. It Will grow up again.
The things you mentioned can be aggravating factors but are not the root cause. Note the example of people like 'jihad John' and the Boston marathon bombers who western countries 'saved' from their harsh impoverished conditions, gave them a much higher standard of living and yet they turned on us. There are also countless examples of middle class and rich 'kids' who never had struggles like you cite who turn suicidal/homocidal (it's actually the same thing).
People deal with and react to this inborn urge in inumerable ways. Some become sports fans, missionaries, terrorists, humanitarians, soldiers, atheists... List is endless. Some are driven strongly enough to give up their life while others are so tepid that they do little more than vote down posts and posters that offend them on a2k.
Realizing the root cause is probably the best we can do to minimize the negative responses and maximize the positive ones.