facebook page cover photo problem

Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2015 09:36 pm
When I share my page, Radio Cape May, the page's cover photo doesn't show in the share. It's just a blank white space with the page name and the profile pic. Another guy I know who manages a bunch of pages says half of those he manages have the same issue. Been searching high and low and making all sorts of changes. Anyone have any clue?
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Type: Question • Score: 3 • Views: 1,598 • Replies: 16

Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2015 05:31 am
It's (possibly) an issue with cookies. Go to the page itself and then copy the URL, then share it. Don't just share the URL, but go to the actual first step of stopping by the page. I've noticed this seems to work.
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2015 05:36 pm
Thanks Jespah, no dice. I've tried that before, and just now again. I've tried everything, changing the pic a couple of times, made it the exact FB dimensions, had other people attempt to do it, checked, rechecked settings, then rechecked settings, nothing. As said, a friend manages pages for businesses and half of those he manages suffer the same glitch, he knows FB and he's stumped as well. I've seen many others like that too. This is not just "My" problem. I've made two problem reports to FB and nothing from them. When you say cookies, how would cookies do it?
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2015 07:04 pm
What I mean is, when you are going to the page, it's triggering the image to come up in your cache.

The image should not matter. If it's uploaded as the cover for the page, then that's that. Your changing it - that's not going to matter.
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 05:52 am
I was trying anything Jespah, I've been frustratingly trying to resolve this for months. FB wants no promotional text in page covers, I had that, changed it. They want a certain size photo, tried for that reason. The friend I mentioned said this is a new phenom for him, the shares worked properly in the past and stopped. I would imagine that it's a FB code snippet that creates/builds the share, so I can't see how the cookies would affect. If the code says grab the cover, and the cover is there, it should show. Thanks Jespah, appreciate your time.
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 06:10 am
See, the thing is, I manage pages and the going to the page first trick works like a charm every time. Huh. Frustrating! But I know that even the big social media guns like Buffer aren't even sure when a Facebook page's background image will work. A lot of FB images are kind of hit and miss when it comes to social sharing. This is regular, you're just dropping the link on someone's wall, yes? You're not using HootSuite or sharing to a private message or another page or a group, right?

PS This is Buffer (in the interests of full disclosure, I get no profit from Buffer and don't own them or work for them. I just like them): https://blog.bufferapp.com/how-to-create-manage-facebook-business-page

Very helpful with this sort of stuff.
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 06:25 am
PS I wrote directly to Kevan Lee at Buffer to see if he had any ideas about this. So you and I might get a small measure of fame. Smile
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 06:41 am
Thanks for the links Jespah. I'm new to social media, and am primarily here to promote my online venture at Radio Cape May (RCM), new as well. I've been on computers for about 20 years, but new to FB and such. I am interested in learning, not just asking for help. When you say "go to page first", which page? Radio Cape May page, I do that? The target of the share? I've attempted to share to my wall, to other individuals, groups, all of them. I've "just dropped the URL", and I've used the share feature right from the RCM page, nothing. When I create the share, I do see the cover photo, but once I click post it disappears, it just doesn't transfer to the target. I'd be curious if you can share the page and see if it works for you. https://www.facebook.com/RadioCapeMay and try to share it to my personal page https://www.facebook.com/joe.sheridan.50951
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 06:48 am
Thanks Jespah, btw, I was born during the Kennedy administration also, good way to put it, lol
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Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 06:51 am
Okay - I think I figured it out.

Go to Radio Cape May first and copy the URL. Then paste it wherever and (here, this is crucial) - hold down the shift key and hit enter. Then post.

I was able to get it to work on my wall. Couldn't post it to your wall as we aren't FB pals.
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 07:07 am
UGH!, nothing. I'm heartened that it worked for you, there's hope. I've tried every combination/timing/order of your recommendation. I read your mail to me. Yes, FB is a pain in the a. Lol, I'm sorry sometimes I even started down this road. It's fine if all you want to do is post pics of your lunch and grandkids, but to use it productively, it's a pain in the ass!!
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Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 07:45 am
I just tried it two different ways.

I went to the business page and selected the share option. The image appeared on my page.

I deleted that.

I went to the business page and then clicked on the cover pic. I right-clicked on the pic and selected the option to open in a new tab. I then went to the new tab, collected the link for the image and posted the cover pic on my page.

Deleted that as well.
Reply Tue 21 Apr, 2015 08:16 am
Thanks for the help ehBeth. I went to four or five different never visited pages and attempted to share them to my personal page, as you did. Some of the cover pics showed in the share, some did not, some were just the white box with the page name and profile pic. I'm at a serious loss as to the hit and miss nature of something that seemingly works for some but not for others.
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Reply Mon 27 Apr, 2015 03:37 pm
Here's what Kevan said -
Yeah, I'm not too sure of the inner workings here. I'd be happy to share my workflow, though, if it'd be helpful! When I share a new URL through Buffer to Facebook, I'll paste the URL into the Buffer "new post" box, wait for just a moment, then the information automatically appears with the image from the URL and the headline of the post. Then I can go ahead and add a sentence or two to the description and remove the URL. Smile

Hope this helps!
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2015 03:46 am
Thanks Jespah, just remembered this string. I signed up for Buffer and tested the share through it. Nothing, the cover photo will not attach to the share. I'm beyond frustrated with this issue. Thanks for your help, and reaching out to Kevan.
Reply Thu 30 Apr, 2015 05:58 am
Well, then I have but one idea.


Seriously, sorry it didn't work for you.
Reply Fri 1 May, 2015 04:19 am
Lol, thanks. Ghosts in the machine. My friend who I mentioned is working on it too, and coming up empty as well. I've contacted FB about this three times, nothing. Big goose egg all the way around. I probably won't check this page too often, so if you ever happen to stumble across a cure for my ills, would you please contact me through my page at Radio Cape May. Check out the music as well, if you were born in the Kennedy admin, you'll probably like it, lol. Thanks again. Take care.
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