I know you were speaking to "Christians" and I was ( without my knoledge or permisshion) made one, like most " Christians are ) so felt I had to oblige with a comment. You said....
It seems most Christians believe in a heaven. But I was surprised to learn that some don't necessarily think we'll be up there with our family & friends. End of quote.
Then again, perhaps it's better to quote others, they will say it better than I....
One of the defining features of religion is that your beliefs are not troubled by facts, because they have nothing to do with facts.... Michael Crichton.
Or perhaps....
You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep seated need to believe..... Carl Sagan.
But I think the nicest way to put it was said by... Carl Sagan; Life is but a momentary glimpse of the wonders of this astonishing universe, and it's sad to see so many dreaming it away on spiritual fantasy.
The comic Robert Schimmel says that all your dead relatives are watching when you masturbate.
I sure hope I don't bump into my Uncle Toots in hell...
With out a shadow of a doubt, we will be with our friends and family in heaven. (of those who made it)
I think people will recognize people they know in heaven even if our 'body', if any, is much different there. Depending on your level of faith of testimony from those who have had near death experiences, many report having brief contact with loved ones who preceded them in death.
Then there is the whole issue of heavenly (ghostly?) visitations, and again for those who have not experienced them, this requires some degree of faith to believe.
Heaven used to be just above the North Star but God moved it because of all the grafitti. I think it's somewhere to the right of Venus now but don't quote me on that.
Quote:The comic Robert Schimmel says that all your dead relatives are watching when you masturbate.
Jesus Christ, PDiddie, you just caused me to freeze up in mid-stroke!