Most assuredly
Just had Fortune read me a Banjo poem is devine.
I see you're having something of an Oz immersion, panzade!
Must be because I'm more scared than I've been in a long time...
Jeez, I'd be scared, too!
So all of a sudden a song from my childhood pops into my's a jingle for a sub shop chain called Eddie Leonard's. Mind you we're talking almost 40 years ago and I can recall it clearly
"Eddie Leonard's sandwich shop
you should try 'em
For the very best in sandwiches
just buy 'em
Pick one up, take it home
once you do you'll never roam
from an E-ddie Leonard's sandwich shop."
Is that sandwich shop still in business?
Here is what has been lodged in my mind:
Llueven los acordes si pienso en tu nombre...
Y aún así las palabras se esconden...
Lo que quiero es hacerte entender
Que te quiero aunque lejos estés...
Puede que haya sido cosa del destino...
Que en mi vida estés por un motivo...
Aunque si he de decir la verdad
Te confieso que eso me da igual...
Lo que importa es que no importa que la suerte nos la juegue...
Porque nos tendremos mutuamente desde ahora y para siempre...
Lo que quiero sólo es verte sonreír...
Que charlemos antes de irnos a dormir...
Compartamos lo que queda por vivir...
Lo que quiero es que te quedes junto a mí...
Juntos resistimos, estamos unidos...
Aunque nos atrapara el vacío...
Nunca se atrevería a cortar
Estos lazos de nuestra amistad...
Lo que importa es que sabemos que nada podrá vencernos...
Lo que importa es que sabemos que si algo eterno existe es esto...
Lo que quiero sólo es verte sonreír...
Que charlemos antes de irnos a dormir...
Compartamos lo que queda por vivir...
Lo que quiero es que te quedes junto a mí...
Llevo tu sonrisa cual marca de agua
En colores pastel en mi alma...
Te regalo mi alma y mi voz
Y lo hago con esta canción...
Lo que quiero sólo es verte sonreír...
Que charlemos antes de irnos a dormir...
Compartamos lo que queda por vivir...
Lo que quiero es que te quedes junto a mí...
Eddie leonards is gone...sigh
Drom this always reminds me of you. Translated for colorbook
Federico García Lorca
The Gypsy and the Wind
Playing her parchment moon
Precosia comes
along a watery path of laurels and crystal lights.
The starless silence, fleeing
from her rhythmic tambourine,
falls where the sea whips and sings,
his night filled with silvery swarms.
High atop the mountain peaks
the sentinels are weeping;
they guard the tall white towers
of the English consulate.
And gypsies of the water
for their pleasure erect
little castles of conch shells
and arbors of greening pine.
Playing her parchment moon
Precosia comes.
The wind sees her and rises,
the wind that never slumbers.
Naked Saint Christopher swells,
watching the girl as he plays
with tongues of celestial bells
on an invisible bagpipe.
Gypsy, let me lift your skirt
and have a look at you.
Open in my ancient fingers
the blue rose of your womb.
Precosia throws the tambourine
and runs away in terror.
But the virile wind pursues her
with his breathing and burning sword.
The sea darkens and roars,
while the olive trees turn pale.
The flutes of darkness sound,
and a muted gong of the snow.
Precosia, run, Precosia!
Or the green wind will catch you!
Precosia, run, Precosia!
And look how fast he comes!
A satyr of low-born stars
with their long and glistening tongues.
Precosia, filled with fear,
now makes her way to that house
beyond the tall green pines
where the English consul lives.
Alarmed by the anguished cries,
three riflemen come running,
their black capes tightly drawn,
and berets down over their brow.
The Englishman gives the gypsy
a glass of tepid milk
and a shot of Holland gin
which Precosia does not drink.
And while she tells them, weeping,
of her strange adventure,
the wind furiously gnashes
against the slate roof tiles.
Thanks panzade. I too can imagine drom as a gypsy.
Sweet chords keep on falling when I think your name,
Even though I don't know what to say.
All I want is you to understand
that I love you though you're far away...
Maybe it was fate that put you upon my side...
And there's an answer for every 'why.'
Although if I must tell you the truth
I confess I don't care, that's for sure.
What now matters is we don't care when
our luck becomes too faithless, because...
We've each other, we are clever,
and we'll always stand together!
All I want now is to make you smile again...
Chat a bit before we lie down in the rain;
Share what we have before we are caught by Death;
All I want is, that... you'll stay right next to me.
Together we resist and we're always united...
Even if we were embraced by darkness
It would never be able to cut
all these feelings, all these strong bounds...
What now matters is that we know
nothing could truly defeat us.
What now matters is that we know
Some things are endless; this is one of them....
All I want now is to make you smile again...
Chat a bit before we lie down in the rain;
Share what we have before we are caught by Death;
All I want is, that... you'll stay right next to me.
I see your smile shine from each puddle of water,
And in pastels inside of my heart so
I give you all my soul and my voice
And I give these with this little song.
All I want now is to make you smile again...
Chat a bit before we lie down in the rain;
Share what we have before we are caught by Death;
All I want is, that... you'll stay right next to me.
Perhaps I should go against what I've done for the last few years, and post a photograph of myself, to see whether I compare with what your imaginations conjur?
Not necessary dear D I prefer the dream world.