You make a good point, but I simply must disagree*.
If you start from a moral point of view and are hardened by reality, you discover the elusiveness of ideals. You have several options:
You continue believing in these naive ideals which are impossible to impose and will cause you to suffer, for you can't do anything the way things
get done.
You cheat. You become immoral. You decide to actively cause suffering.
You read Nietzsche and buddhist literature :p. You come to the following conclusions: Detachment from suffering and concept(including moral ones) will bring you inner peace and this can be shared with others.
Of course, if you don't start from a moral point...But stating that even Stalin had a morally educated childhood will make him immoral, not amoral.
*Disagreeing is my nature. One which I must nevertheless alter to a state of acceptance(making me a very lousy member of A2K, because I wouldn't discuss anything :p)
Now, for some thoughts on the actual topic

Depends on what you call 'intelligence'. detailing it with inserting the term 'wisdom' was a good move but nowhere is written that wisdom includes wishing peace and love to all. Nor should we hold THAT as our highest value.
'Wisdom comes through experience and the application of reason and intelligence to problem solving.', this can be considered one definition.
wis·dom ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wzdm)
The ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting; insight.
It may very well include morality, but this is not a necessity.