Please help me with the terminology.
When I used the term metaphysics I am referring to the supernatural. These are the things that are are untestable and beyond the reach of science. These are the things that are fervently believed to be true because they should be true (not because there is any testable reason). I would include in this definition...
- Virtue (in an absolute sense not an anthropological one)
- Human rights (again in an absolute sense).
- God (or gods)
- The human soul.
- A connection between all people, or between all life.
- Enlightenment or Salvation (of any kind)
These are all things that can't be supported by science. In my opinion they are made by humans... they are powerful myths, and perhaps useful myths for a social creature to have, but they are myths none-the-less.
This is what I am trying to get at when I use the words "spiritual" and "metaphysical". I would use the word "religious", but many people who believe in one or more of these things don't consider themselves religious.
So please, what word should I use?