>> ZAP! notice >>
Decided to override firewall and post - will explain to supercomputer sysadmin later, ahem, make that hope will live long enough to explain - in order to:
1. Welcome Maraso to thread!
2. Thank some friends here for providing graphic demonstrations of why raw data is generally preferable to agenda-driven 2nd- or3rd-hand analyses:
(2.1) Senator Joe Lieberman just completed his candidacy announcement speech using the word "evil" in 10 minutes more times than President Bush has in 2 years.
(2.2) Respectfully suggest to those who downloaded the flash animation from the "takebackthemedia" site to run a virus scan and see what else was downloaded on their systems along with Macromedia's software used in animation.
(2.3) Novak column is - oddly enough! - not entitled "Disaffected Troops" but "GOP Senators on the Warpath"which might cause some difficulty with getting to original link:
3. Ask Anon to please let Blatham live this time - he's needed at Lola's Salon elsewhere on this site.
4. Quote the late, lamented (by me, at any rate) Attorney General (Nixon administration) John Mitchell: "There is no truth to the rumor that we nominate the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party."
Suppose the Nixon-era quote brought thread back to subject - chronologically at any rate <G>