Chocolate milk, in a wimmin's mind, represents the ultimate fallacy, erm, fantasy: The affluence that the white man can provide, combined with the legendary penis of the black man. There is of course, no truth to either tale, but a woman can dream. <hope that raises some ire>
Not gonna tell, just offer a discreet warning.
I could tell ya who to call for information. His name is Aidan, used to be in charge of ordering for a staff cafeteria. He knows.
Ahh more cloak and dagger stuff. I'll have to infiltrate again.
Magnificent! Long live The Sisterhood!
Genetically speaking, given the structure of the "Y" chromosome, every man is an incomplete woman. Freud looked mournfully at the Facts of Life and invented penis envy to compensate. He suffered from womb envy.
Woo hoo sisterhood!
Anywho, I'm a new member of the sisterhood and am just wondering what this chocolate milk thing is. I mean, I'm sure I was told in sisterhood school but I might have dozed off.
Refresh a gal's memory?
Yours in fervent sisterhood,
Totally Girly and Such
Freud was also on cocaine, his mind wasn't really clear half the time.
Mins, out of respect for the new sister I think we should step out and let them tell her.
I mean, we don't want to be the reason that her sisterhood tutilage wants.
That is HILARIOUS, Craven!!!
(If you're gonna infiltrate, you really oughta shave.)
You're absolutely right, Noddy. We've known that for ages. We just don't wanna burst their bubble. Poor delusional Freud. Sad case, really., cav. <shaking head slowly>
Noddy24 wrote:
Genetically speaking, given the structure of the "Y" chromosome, every man is an incomplete woman. Freud looked mournfully at the Facts of Life and invented penis envy to compensate. He suffered from womb envy.
Freud? The gee-nee-us that was able to so accurately document the male mind?
Totally Girly and Such wrote:Woo hoo sisterhood!
Anywho, I'm a new member of the sisterhood and am just wondering what this chocolate milk thing is. I mean, I'm sure I was told in sisterhood school but I might have dozed off.
Refresh a gal's memory?
Yours in fervent sisterhood,
Totally Girly and Such
that is funny. Especially the avatar.
Welcome, TGAS!
I know, some of those lectures were, like, SO boring, weren't they? Not that it mattered with Mr. Roberts -- omigod, he was totally hot. I could just, like, gaze at him for ever and ever.
I know just how to jog your memory regarding chocolate milk -- one word -- wait for it -- koala.
Glad to help!!
I think I like the new Craven.
Err...the one that gave up Poe for Emily Bronte...yeah, that's it. As a man, I applaud you on your efforts to understand women.
Totally girly - sorry, but use of 'such' means you'll have to wait outside the sisterhood gates.
TAGS - you could be the leader - what with your uhm...unique girly look and all...
Thank you, thank you.
I hereby declare it Girl Power Day:
I'm happy to be in jespah's chorus line