Foxfyre wrote:So we shouldn't expect to go hurtling off into space at that moment when the entire magnetic field is neutralized then Ros?
Unfortunately no. No such fun
Teachers in the year 2243 may have to explain to their students about the antique concept of a compass and how they used to be used to guide ships and aircraft, back in the olden days of 2004 when the Earth had a polarized magnetic field.
It's strange to think that several generations may come and go without experiencing a polarized magnetic field. The old debate over whether birds navigate by magnetism will be moot, and Auroras may be an unknown phenomena, only seen in antique web pictures. Kind of like us looking at pictures of Dodo birds and American Chestnut Trees; mere rumors and heresay from a time nobody will remember. But unlike the Dodo's and Chestnuts, the magnetic field will return again, and then the time without it will become a bygone age.