what do veggie burgurs taste like? do they really taste like ground up veggies? or do they taste like... meat?
Tiaha -
Neither. They are good though. I would suggest Boca for a start.
I have never been a vegetarian but my wife is. I have come to like a lot of the veggie versions better than the real. I like veggie dogs, burgers, and a lot of the meat substitutes.
The reason is that I can eat them and not feel like crap afterwards. I think a 32 ounce steak is great - but I feel like dog poo for about 3 days afterwards. I still like meat but have learned to keep it it portion sizes. (For me about 4 to 6 ounces).
I like the Garden Burgers (tm). Some grainy stuff and diced mushrooms held together with a bit of cheese. It gets hot and gooey and tastes like -- a Garden Burger.
You know I've left many a bar in my day with a piece of meat that turned out to be a vegetable......
And if you live long enough, you'll have one of your own.
squinney already does....
I'm not a veggie, love garden burgers. Morningstar Farms had something called a pizza burger -- veggie -- that was divine, had it pretty much every other day when the sozlet was a baby (easy prep, pop in the microwave...) They stopped making 'em, though... :-(
Too bad Plato could have weighed in on this central question of Philosophy.
Perhaps we are only seeing the shadow of the meat shaped vegetable, from a fire in a cave.
On the other hand, is meat shaped vegetables any weirder than most the stuff we eat?
Too bad Plato could have weighed in on this central question of Philosophy.
Perhaps we are only seeing the shadow of the meat shaped vegetable, from a fire in a cave.
On the other hand, is meat shaped vegetables any weirder than most the stuff we eat?
Yeah, I enjoy Morning Star Farms and Boca burgers--with added slices of red onion and lots of mustard. Why not? And my blood vessels are greatful. We go out for a filet mignon once a month, but only once a month. I do not confuse Veggie meat substitutes with meat. They are what they are. When I want meat I eat meat, but not too much and not too often. Wine...that's another matter. There I am a purist.
I'm going out hunting carrots this weekend. (Sssssh! be vewwy vewwy qwiet)
Ooh, I had to check, and they DO still make the kind I like. Jewel just doesn't carry 'em anymore. Hmph.
Try Dominicks, then. (Jewel was one of my least favorite things about Chicago. Ugh. And the Osco at Chicago and Western. Ugh ugh.)
Sam's is a good place to buy Boca Burgers, as they cost about half as much as in the supermarket.