Your piece is misleading in that it states WWP rating falls
"somewhere in the middle (Charity Navigator)." Not true. Out of 100 points it scores 86.11.
The salient point is the Accountability & Transparency rating...4 stars
Accountability & Transparency Performance Metrics
Information Provided on the Form 990
Independent Voting Board Members
No Material diversion of assets
Audited financials prepared by independent accountant
Does Not Provide Loan(s) to or Receive Loan(s) From related parties
Documents Board Meeting Minutes
Provided copy of Form 990 to organization's governing body in advance of filing
Conflict of Interest Policy
Whistleblower Policy
Records Retention and Destruction Policy
CEO listed with salary
Process for determining CEO compensation
Board Listed / Board Members Not Compensated
Is the following information easily accessible on the charity's website?
No Donor Privacy
Board Members Listed
Audited Financials
Key staff listed
It's a very big organization and with that comes people who want to take pot shots at the big dog. 57% of donations go to the Vets...would i like to see more go? Yes. But in reality it takes money to make it. And I think close to 60% is pretty good.