Your question is quite relevant to what we see happening with regard to religion. To narrow it down though we might focus in on that segment of religion that claims to have a relationship with the Creator but by the conduct of its adherents and it's teachings proves false to that claim.
In the Bible Jesus made this clear at Matthew 7:13-23 where he spoke of those who make a claim of godly devotion because of doing various things they feel help them to gain God's approval only to find out to their horror in verse 23 that the Creator always saw them for what they really were, hypocrits and liers, ungodly in their manner and who have no connection with him at all.
Thus Jesus highlighted that false religion is the culprit and source of today's problems. It promotes extremism in both so called Christian and non-Christian religious systems. When a comparison of what theses systems teach is made against what the Bible really teaches, a stark contrast appears. For although the Bible makes very clear what God's standards are in the way or morality and other conduct, it in no way allows for the kind of hatred seen in homophobia, and religious sectarianism seen today.
So a more defined question would be, Would The World Be Better Off Without False Religion? The answer is an emphatic yes!