Well, just to emphasize the point, my 1st rule would be: be aware that you make your own rules. Whether you submit or rebel against family traditions, religious imperatives or the law of the land, you
choose to do so. You're the captain of your own soul.
#2: Always say the truth as you see it, if asked. If nobody asks you anything, silence is often tho not always gold. And it's okay to lie to the enemy, of course.
Other than that, i try to go by an unshamefully christian moral code. In fact i call meself a christian atheist: try to forgive even to your worse enemy; the poor have value and deserve respect and help; beware of political and religious power (there's an anarchist streak in JC); non-violence as an option; and generally the golden rule in its positive formulation ("do onto others as you'd wish them to do onto you")...