LGBT Equality, Civil Rights and Social Concerns

Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 05:58 am
Excuse Izzy, his wife left him all alone. Now he has to raise his kids all by himself. He feels bitter that she left him and guilty because he didn't treat her well enough and that maybe it is his fault that she is gone.

That is why he has to defend anti-Catholic bigotry. I think Izzy's wife is better off now without him.
Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 06:21 am
My wife died from breast cancer you sick nonce. You're the one people choose to leave, and with good reason.

I don't have a problem with Catholics, that's just another product of your sewer like brain.

You can't deal with reality which is why you keep making stuff up.
Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 06:25 am
Hmmm Izzy, glass house meet stone.

Now you understand why your childish attacks where you drag in other people's personal lives you know nothing about are a bad idea.

If you are going to be a "sick nonce" then I suppose I can too. You brought our wives (and children) into this. How about this, you leave my personal life out of this, and I will leave yours out.

But if you are going to make **** up about my wife and children, then I can make **** up about yours... fair is fair.

Better yet, how about we stop these personal attacks.
Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 06:36 am
I understand that you're a sick manipulative sadist who lies. I don't care what a lying lowlife creature like you says. You're a pathetic fantasist who can't deal with reality. There's nothing than can be learnt from a repulsive creature like you, and you're way too stupid to learn anything in return.

Fact: You lied about being a single parent.
Fact: Your wife's lawyer did not want you to have shared custody of your daughter.
Fact: You lied about my wife leaving me when you know full well she is dead.
Fact: You lied about supporting women's rights when in truth resent women.
Fact: You're a liar.

Nothing you say should be taken seriously, you're absolute filth, and I hate to imagine what other creepy, slimy things you get up to, because I'm sure there's quite a lot.
Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 06:44 am

Fact: I have never personally attacked you (or anyone else) before this thread.
Fact: Your personal attacks are inappropriate in a public forum where everyone has the right to express their own opinions.
Fact: Name calling is not a responsible way to have an intelligent discussion.

You can keep up the name calling and personal attacks on people who dare to disagree with you if you want.

But when you drag people's personal lives into your attacks, you cross a line. You can expect the same in return.
Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 06:53 am
The pope's latest misdeeds towards the LGBT community has taken him of my list of trusted persons...

Why, Francis? He's doing what he can I think. Best pope in decades if you ask me.
Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 07:27 am
You're right there. He can't be blamed for the Church's entrenched conservatism, as he's actually tried to do something about it.
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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 07:39 am
I don't understand the fixation on hating Catholics. There are many other groups that were just as opposed to LGBT rights. Look at the African-American churches for example.

Most of these groups, including Catholics, are becoming much more tolerant as time goes on.

Ted Kennedy, a Catholic until the day he died, was a hero (in my opinion) in the area of LGBT rights.

Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 10:42 am
I don't understand the fixation on hating Catholics. There are many other groups that were just as opposed to LGBT rights. Look at the African-American churches for example.

I am not aware of any church supporting gay rights, except the church of England perhaps...

As you know, anti-catholic prejudice is deeply engrained in the US and the UK for historic reasons. It's a form of baseless hatred that is not questioned often enough.
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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 11:04 am
Just a reminder of the religion that should concern gays.

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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 11:18 am
Do your worst. I speak the truth, you lie. And I'm a great parent, all my daughter's friends tell her how lucky she is to have a dad like me. In their words I'm a legend. She is always telling me that when she hears about other people's parents she's so glad to have me. My son is autistic, and his mother died when he was 4. I've had no end of doctors, paediatricians and teachers tell me how I've done a 'brilliant' job of parenting because he's such a happy confident boy.

You have personally insulted me when you compared me to Oralboy, the person I most despise on A2K. You knew that was insulting and offensive because you were told, repeatedly. You're a nasty manipulative control freak used to getting your own twisted way through lies half truths and deception. None of that works on me because I can see you for what you are. You crossed the line a long time ago when you tried your nasty little tricks on me. They don't work, I can see right through you. Now why don't you stamp your foot and throw a tantrum, you pathetic half man.

Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 11:47 am
Every time I express an opinion you disagree with, you feel compelled to jump in with petty name calling and personal attacks. For the most part I haven't responded. I have stayed above this type of behavior.

It is clear you don't like people expressing ideas you disagree with, I accept that. When you choose to drag in my wife and children, you cross a line. I feel compelled to respond in kind. I only ask that you leave my personal life, especially my family, out of it.

You have said a couple of times that you had me on ignore. If me expressing my opinions bothers you so much, maybe actually putting me on ignore... and refraining from responding at all.. would be a good idea.
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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 12:21 pm
Catholics and Catholicism are easy and popular for attacks. It is for whatever reason readily allowed, including by those who yammer on endlessly about discriminatory practices and behaviors and how dreadful wrong they are.

As you stated they (Catholics) have been steadily becoming more tolerant. Their level of increasing acceptance can be found and heard in some of the words which have been made by the current Pope and in several Catholic houses of worship which not only have homosexual congregants; but, also programs such as PFLAG.

It's a process, slow though it may be. Personally I prefer the Catholic Church approach which clear out says their belief as opposed to the insanity of some sects of Methodism where one thing is said and yet another is their truth.
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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 04:57 pm

Patricia Jannuzzi Is Right

“We need healthy families with a mother and a father for the sake of the children and humanity,” wrote Patricia Januzzi, in a Facebook post in which she warned that same-sex marriage is part of an “agenda” that aims toward the “slow extinction” of Western civilization.

Ms. Januzzi is a teacher at Immaculata High School, a private Catholic school in New Jersey. While I am not Catholic, I am sufficiently acquainted with their doctrines on marriage and the family to conclude that Ms. Januzzi said nothing in her rant with which the Pope would disagree. And having spent the past several months researching radical feminism, I can say with absolute certainty that the “agenda” is exactly what Ms. Januzzi says it is.

But the 21st-Century Thought Police can’t let the truth be spoken:

SOMERVILLE, N.J. — An anti-gay rant by a religion teacher at a Catholic high school in New Jersey is drawing the ire of alumni across the country, including a former Real Housewives of New Jersey cast member and New-Jersey-raised Susan Sarandon.
On her now-deleted Facebook profile earlier this week, the veteran private Catholic school teacher said gays or gay activists “want to reengineer western civ (sic) into a slow extinction” as part of their “agenda.”
“We need healthy families with a mother and a father for the sake of the children and humanity!!!!!” wrote Immaculata High School teacher Patricia Jannuzzi, adding that the argument that gays are protected under the 14th Amendment is “bologna.” . . .

First, it was hardly a rant. Gay crybabies and the idiots who listen to them are destroying the moral fiber that is left in this country. And they do it like thugs.

No one can ever be permitted to express a personal aversion or moral objection to homosexual behavior.

Disapproval is synonymous with “hate,” according to gay activists, and the cultural consequence of the Compulsory Approval Doctrine is to stigmatize heterosexuality as an expression of prejudice. Many gay people have convinced themselves that the “straight” person’s rejection of homosexual behavior is implicit proof of homophobia — an irrational fear — so that all heterosexuals are basically viewed as ignorant bigots afflicted with neurotic sexual repression. And if you dare cite religious injunctions against homosexuality, you thereby prove that you are certainly a hater. Quod erat demonstrandum.

The Compulsory Approval Doctrine of the gay-rights movement is exemplified by the thug mob reaction to Mrs. Januzzi:

The Thought Police never bothered to disprove what Ms. Januzzi wrote. They offered no evidence to contradict her claims. Instead, they denounced her for engaging in “hate speech,” having an “extreme point of view,” teaching “blatant hate” and, they insinuated, Ms. Januzzi is responsible for teenagers committing suicide.

Enough is enough.

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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2015 05:55 pm
Univision Fires Gay Man for Insulting the FLOTUS

Oh Oh! What is a gay leftist to do? **** or go blind?http://www.alien-earth.com/images/smileys/rofl.gif

The left-wing Univision cable network has fired Emmy-winning host Rodner Figueroa for comparing First Lady Michelle Obama to an ape. During his show, Figueroa showed photos of the First Lady and said, “Mind you, you know that Michelle Obama looks like she’s part of the cast of “Planet of the Apes,” the film.”

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Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 03:11 pm
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Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 03:18 pm
Izzy I am very sorry to hear that.

It makes me sad, I am glad you have children to fill the void of such an unfortunate loss.

I am proud of you how you have triumphed in spite of such an adverse circumstance.
Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2015 03:22 pm
Thank you. Time is a great healer, and I've got two great kids who I get on with famously. Putting others ahead of yourself brings its own rewards.
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Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2015 08:45 pm
Islamic scholars in Indonesia push for death penalty for sex abuse and gay and lesbian 'crimes'

This is supposed to be a moderate Muslim country. Notice it says scholars before you question Islams intent.

The country's Ulema Council or MUI has issued a Fatwa banning gay and lesbian activities, due to what it calls an "increasing number of sex abuse cases".

A spokesman also said there had been an increase in "reports of deviant behaviour" and a risk "control of society" would be lost.

While the edict is not legally binding, the Council had also recommended the government increase the maximum penalty to "death" for crimes involving gay and lesbian activities, sodomy, sexual abuse and indecency.

Do not think for a minute that this couldn't happen here.

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Reply Fri 20 Mar, 2015 05:42 pm



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