Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 09:59 am

The man Bork Obunga and other super losers wish they could be.
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Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 10:13 am
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Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 10:17 am

Do you mean this supposed murdering paedophile, according to Litvinenko.......

"Alexander Litvinenko accused Vladimir Putin of being a paedophile shortly before he died from radiation poisoning, a court heard.
The Russian dissident wrote an article titled 'The Kremlin Pedophile' after the president was pictured kissing the stomach of a young boy near the Kremlin palace in Moscow.
'The world public is shocked,' he wrote. 'Nobody can understand why the Russian president did such a strange thing as kissing the stomach of an unfamiliar small boy".
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Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 11:44 am
Hero of our times, part 2.........

Daily Telegraph, 5 December 2014.

"Egotists who encounter failure are often prone to paranoia. Earlier this week, the rouble suffered its biggest one-day decline since 1998 – part of a long-term slide that bodes ill for Russia. In the course of the year the currency has lost 40 per cent of its value against the dollar, while capital flight is thought to have exceeded an estimated $64 billion.
Addressing the Russian parliament, Vladimir Putin chose to blame foreign governments for all of this. He went so far as to compare them to Adolf Hitler. The President believes that he is surrounded by a conspiracy to weaken Russia through sanctions and unpatriotic speculation. The long-term goal of this dastardly plot is, apparently, to “throw” Russians “back behind the Urals”.
On the contrary, the entire point of Western foreign policy is to stop Russia expanding beyond its current borders: it is reactive to Russian aggression, not the other way around. Moreover, Mr Putin has left Russia overly dependent on oil exports, currently devalued by falling prices, while he has gambled away the country’s few advantages on exploiting the crisis in Ukraine. He has further undermined the climate for inward investment by persecuting rivals and weakening the rule of law. This latest foray into the realm of conspiracy theories will only damage the regime’s reputation more.
Russia is certainly hurt by chronic indebtedness exacerbated by sanctions that make it hard to gain access to Western credit. But those sanctions are there only because Mr Putin has pursued an expansionist and, ultimately, self-lacerating foreign policy. It is understandable that a former KGB agent should be inclined to see conspiracy everywhere. But in this instance, Russia’s problems begin and end with him alone."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 11:47 am
Part 3........

Daily Telegraph, today.

Putin in the dock.

The Alexander Litvinenko inquest is a reminder of Russia's refusal to play by the rules of civilised behaviour.

"The inquiry into the grisly death of Alexander Litvinenko in London eight years ago is a deeply human reminder, if one were needed, of why the West cannot trust the Russian leader accused of ordering the assassination. The opening day heard an almost incredible tale of how Russian secret service agents deposited traces of the deadly radioactive substance polonium-210 around our capital as they sought an opportunity to poison their one-time colleague. Litvinenko had been denounced for working as an agent for MI6; his photograph was even used for target practice by Russian special forces operatives.
The inquiry is taking place entirely through the determined efforts of Mr Litvinenko’s widow, Marina, to expose the Kremlin’s culpability – and especially that of Vladimir Putin. It is, however, hard to see what the hearing can conclude that is not already suspected: that two agents, Dmitry Kovtun and Andrei Lugovoi, now a deputy in the Russian parliament, were the most likely perpetrators. The Russians have refused to extradite these two men, so a trial cannot happen, and the inquiry will render any future prosecution impossible in any case. But Kovtun and Lugovoi are not the ones in the dock – that role is reserved for Mr Putin. If this outrage happened on his orders, which he denies, not only was he sanctioning extrajudicial murder on foreign soil, but he was also putting the lives of thousands of Londoners at risk.
After Mr Litvinenko’s death, Britain temporarily cooled diplomatic relations with Russia. Realpolitik decreed that they had to be normalised, and Mr Putin now expects to be treated with the respect deserving of a head of state, despite his actions in Ukraine and the Crimea. If he continues to interfere in other nations’ affairs, and behave like a swaggering gangster thug, that respect will be impossible to give."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 01:30 pm
assholes quoting assholes.....
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 01:44 pm

Do you mean this supposed murdering paedophile, according to Litvinenko.......

Some sort of a slavic religious thing with people standing around all over the place and you're going to call Putin a pedophile???????????????

One thing I've noted about assholes over a long period of time is that they invariably excel in accusing other of doing the selfsame **** which THEY do; I assume this is because assholes like yourself think all people are alike and that if YOU're fucked up, everybody has to be fucked up the same way...

Tell us, what kind of perverted **** do YOU do with people standing around watching????
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 03:28 pm
When you have no credible comeback, I notice that you tend to turn towards being crude and insulting.

Don't show yourself up like this, old boy. I'm sure that you can do better than this.
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 03:54 pm
Part 4.......

The Independent, Sunday 1st February, 2015

President Putin is a dangerous psychopath - reason is not going to work with him

Everyone knows the saying about people who fail to learn the lessons of history being condemned to repeat it. It’s a slight misquotation, but the idea that we should be able to avoid making the same mistakes by studying the past is undeniably attractive.
So what does history tell us about the behaviour of Europe’s biggest country, Russia, which is currently fighting an undeclared war with its neighbour, Ukraine?
I’ll come back to that in a moment but Nato’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, singled out Russia’s military ambitions in a speech on Friday, describing 2014 as “a black year” for European security. He revealed that the alliance recorded more than 400 incursions into foreign airspace by Russian warplanes last year, around four times as many as in 2013. The previous day, British fighters were scrambled to intercept two Russian bombers over the English Channel, an episode that resulted in the Russian ambassador being summoned to the Foreign Office.

Around the time Stoltenberg was giving his assessment of the Russian threat to peace, the reality of the situation in Ukraine was brought home by the shelling of a cultural centre in Donetsk, killing at least six people. In theory, the conflict is between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists who have declared a breakaway republic, but no one seriously believes that Russia isn’t behind the fighting. More than 5,000 people are believed to have been killed since April yet public attention, which suddenly turned to Ukraine after the shooting down of a Malaysian passenger plane in July last year, is focused elsewhere.

While the terrorist organisation Islamic State (Isis) is responsible for huge numbers of casualties, it has killed far fewer people in Europe than have died in the Ukrainian conflict. It could be argued that the spectacular type of warfare favoured by Isis has actually done the Russian government a favour, deflecting attention with a series of attention-grabbing atrocities. Russia’s tradition of covert warfare is long-established, and some Kremlin officials visibly enjoy the process of repeating denials which are bare-faced lies.
In a repeat of recent history, dead Russian soldiers are once again being returned to their families without any information about where they were killed. The names of more than 260 have been published on a website run by opponents of President Putin, along with a map of eastern Ukraine showing where they died. The Russian government denies involvement but 10 Russian paratroopers were captured in Ukraine in August. The mother of a Russian soldier, whose body was returned with his legs blown off, said he had phoned her to say his unit was being deployed to Donetsk.
When something similar happened during the second Chechen war, the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya interviewed bereaved mothers and wrote about what was going on. She was assassinated in Moscow on President Putin’s birthday in 2006, a month or so before the Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko was murdered in London. At a public inquiry last week, Litvinenko’s death was described as “an act of nuclear terrorism on the streets of a major city”. Ben Emmerson, the QC representing Mr Litvinenko’s widow, said the trail led directly to Putin and called for him to be “unmasked by this inquiry as a common criminal dressed up as a head of state”.
This is a staggering statement. Some commentators are reluctant to accept it, arguing that Putin genuinely feels under threat from Nato; Greece’s inexperienced new government, led by the coalition of left-wing parties known as Syriza, is making friendly overtures towards Russia. No one wants a new cold war but the evidence suggests they’re making a mistake of epic proportions: what European leaders are dealing with here is classic psychopathic behaviour. Putin displays a complete absence of empathy and is painfully thin-skinned; he found being mocked by the punk band Pussy Riot so intolerable that two of the women ended up in penal colonies. Even more alarming is his lack of fear and enjoyment of risk, which means he enjoys baiting people he sees as opponents.

All of this brings me back to the problem with learning from history. The leader-as-psychopath is far from unusual: Saddam Hussein displayed similar characteristics, although a closer parallel in this instance is Stalin. The question is what to do about it, and it would help if people who make excuses for Putin stopped fooling themselves about how dangerous he is. I’ve believed this ever since the assassination of Politkovskaya, whom I knew slightly, and I’ve watched the evidence accumulate: at least 29 journalists have been murdered in direct connection with their work since Putin came to power: opponents have had their assets seized and been sent to harsh prisons in Siberia; neighbouring countries live in fear of cyber-attacks, such as the one on Estonia in 2007, or military invasion.
The Conservative MP Rory Stewart, who chairs the Defence Select Committee, described last week’s incident over the Channel as “a symptom of a much bigger pattern which means we got Russia wrong”. I think it’s more accurate to say that world leaders got Putin wrong, treating him as an authoritarian who would nevertheless keep his behaviour within recognisable boundaries. Remember when George W Bush gave him the affectionate nickname Pootie-Poot? If history teaches us anything, it is that treating unstable psychopaths as if they are normal, reasonable people doesn’t work.
Psychopaths love attention, so allowing Putin to host big sporting events such as the Winter Olympics and the World Cup is a mistake. They like to feel important, so he shouldn’t be invited to attend summits with other world leaders. His behaviour is escalating as economic sanctions start to bite, which is why he is sending military aircraft to test the air defences of other countries. He isn’t going to give up power of his own accord, which means that keeping open back-channels to people around him is vital. Europe didn’t pick this fight, but we should be in no doubt that Russia under Putin is an unpredictable rogue state.
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Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 04:41 pm
Part 5.........

The Guardian, Oct 2014.

"High in a dilapidated Soviet-era tower block miles from the centre of Moscow, the door opens to a small, tidy flat. It belongs to Alexei Navalny, once touted as the most potent threat to the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, to emerge in Russia in recent years.

Since February, the politician and activist has been under house arrest. A voracious social-media user with a talent for 140-character attacks on the Kremlin, the 38-year-old is banned from using the telephone or internet, though his wife can use them. He can only leave the confines of his flat when a police van drives him to hearings of his latest court case.

In a recent relaxation of the terms of his arrest, he is now allowed to speak to people other than his relatives, meaning that for the first time in six months, his colleagues and friends can visit him. He is also able to receive journalists, and the Guardian is the first of the international press to see him since his house arrest began.

Dressed in a blue T-shirt and jeans, he pads barefoot through the small flat into the kitchen, where his wife, Yulia, pours tea. A tagging bracelet around his ankle ensures that if he leaves the flat, the police will be alerted immediately.

“I’m really sick of sitting at home,” he says, with a wry smile. In the corner of the living room is a cross trainer, the only way he can get exercise. “But I’ve had experience of real arrest for up to 15 days several times, and it’s much easier to put up with house arrest when you understand what the alternative is.”

Navalny was the great hope of the wave of street protests that shook Moscow in 2011-2012, with many opposition-minded Russians confidently predicting he would become the next president of Russia.

Those protests petered out after a vicious crackdown saw court cases against its leaders and some ordinary protesters, but Navalny is still the most worrying opposition figure for the Kremlin. Some uneasy liberals point to his nationalist streak and see in him a charismatic but dangerous demagogue.

What is clear is that he is able to win support among voters: despite smears on state television and little access to any normal type of campaigning, he managed to win 27% of the vote in last autumn’s Moscow mayoral elections.

Since then, a lot has happened, notably the annexation of Crimea and the fighting in east Ukraine. A summit in Milan on Friday attended by Putin, Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, and other European leaders including the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, failed to reinforce the faltering ceasefire.

Despite the fact that many Russian nationalists support the separatists in east Ukraine, Navalny feels Putin has laid the groundwork for his regime’s eventual collapse.

“There’s a lot of commentary now that Putin has shown he’s not about money, and about enriching his businessmen buddies, but he has decided to build a great nation, a great Russia or to resurrect the Soviet Union,” says Navalny, who first became known for his anti-corruption investigations, unveiling the secret mansions and foreign accounts of Putin cronies and government officials. “I think in reality it’s all much more simple. Putin has resorted to the method that various leaders have used for centuries: using war or military actions to solve internal problems and boost ratings. That happens even in democratic countries – look at Bill Clinton in Yugoslavia.”

Unlike most of the liberal opposition, who have never found a common language with ordinary Russians, there was always a sense in the Kremlin that Navalny could be dangerous; a fear that his nationalism and charisma could appeal not only to the Moscow hipsters, but equally to the provincial masses, tired of seeing rampant corruption blight the country’s governance.

Those in power have long been split about how to deal with the troublesome campaigner; some believe he should be locked up, others think he should be free but closely monitored. For a while in 2013, it looked as if an allegation of embezzling funds from a timber company in the city of Kirov would put him in prison; but he was released after a surprise about-face, given a suspended sentence, and allowed to run in Moscow’s mayoral elections.

His good showing there clearly spooked some of those in power. A second court case, based on claims that Navalny and his brother defrauded a Russian subsidiary of the French chain Yves Rocher, began. In February he was put under house arrest, and the case has been rumbling on since.

The strategy for now seems to be to shut him up without causing too much of a scandal. To a large extent, it has worked. There has been little outcry over the fact that he is under house arrest – after all, he is not in jail – but at the same time, working on his anti-corruption investigations has become impossible and he has largely disappeared from public discourse.

With everything else happening in Russia, even the hearings of the second court case receive just a fraction of attention that the Kirov case received. Navalny says about 30 prosecution witnesses have been called so far, and “all of them ended up testifying in our favour – it’s stupid and completely absurd.”

He puts the strange zigzagging in the case down to the fact that nobody lower down in the system knows what to do with him.

“Obviously it will be a guilty verdict, but what the sentence will be can only be decided by one man, and that man has a lot of stuff on his plate besides me at the moment. He’s fighting a war against Obama, against the west, against God knows what else.”

The authorities continue to keep Navalny on his toes, and there is always the threat of new criminal cases. Sometimes the charges appear so flimsy they veer into the realm of the absurd. Over the summer, his flat was raided by investigators who seized a picture. The picture had been drawn by a street artist in the town of Vladimir, and been on display on a public wall. Someone pilfered it, and gave it to Navalny as a present.

“The artist has given interviews everywhere saying he never sells his art, that he doesn’t care that it was taken, that he doesn’t want there to be a court case, but they just ignore him – the case exists. From the case materials we can see that FSB [security services] generals are working on the case. They have six top investigators working on it!” Employees of Navalny’s anti-corruption foundation have been questioned, searches carried out, computers and telephones seized.

Indeed, Navalny is such a toxic figure in Russia that any association with him can lead to trouble. In the Kirov court case, a former business partner was hauled into the dock alongside the politician; his brother Oleg is also on trial in the current case.

“That’s one of the most unpleasant parts of my work, because everything that happens around me is basically one giant court case, which spreads out to engulf the people that are close to me,” he says.

It was hinted at several times that he would be better off leaving the country, but he decided to stay. Is he really more use to the opposition cause under house arrest, or potentially in jail, than he would be from abroad?

“Why should I leave? I have not committed any crime. You can agree or disagree with my political position but it’s absolutely legal. And along with me, 90% of Russians think corruption is high, and 80% of Russians think we should bring criminal cases against corrupt officials. It’s also an important matter of trust. If I want people to trust me, then I have to share the risks with them and stay here. How can I call on them to take part in protests and so on if they are risking things and I am not?”

He says it is pointless to make predictions either about his own fate or about how much longer Putin will be in power. Navalny has set up a political party, although it is not able to contest elections, and says he still harbours ambitions that one day he will be actively involved in politics, “including fighting for the top job”.

As for how Putin will finally end up leaving the Kremlin – through a split in the elite, a violent revolution or a democratic transition – Navalny believes one thing is for certain: “In Russia, it will not be elections that provide a change of government.”

Navalny in his own words
On Mikhail Khodorkovsky, formerly owner of Yukos, Russia’s biggest oil company, who was jailed in 2003, released in 2013 and now lives abroad:

“Perhaps if he had stayed an oligarch, I would have had a lot of points of dispute with him, particularly on the rights of minority shareholders, which I worked on as a lawyer. Yukos was famous for various corporate battles. But that was 10 years ago, and discussing it is pointless. I don’t see any position that Khodorkovsky has now that I don’t share.”

On Putin’s reaction to Ukraine:

“Out of nowhere, without any warning, boom: suddenly a genuine, anti-criminal revolution. This was a terrible blow for Putin, a hundred times more painful that the Georgian events, than [former president Mikheil] Saakashvili and his anti-corruption reforms. He cannot allow this in Ukraine. So I think one of his strategic goals in the coming years will be to do absolutely everything to undermine the Ukrainian state, to ensure that no reforms work, so that everything ends in failure.”

On the consequences of Russian actions in Ukraine:

“Putin likes to speak about the ‘Russian world’ but he is actually making it smaller. In Belarus, they sing anti-Putin songs at football stadiums; in Ukraine they simply hate us. In Ukraine now, there are no politicians who don’t have extreme anti-Russian positions. Being anti-Russian is the key to success now in Ukraine, and that’s our fault.”

On what he would ask Putin

“I would be interested to understand his motivations, particularly on Ukraine. Because he is destroying our country. It will all collapse, and surely he can’t not understand that it’s all going to collapse.

“If he wants to be an authoritarian leader, then that’s one thing. But why doesn’t he want to be a Russian Lee Kuan Yew? Why does he want to base his authoritarian regime on corruption? There are other ways of doing it.”

On finding the ‘Putin account’:

“I think there are probably a number of numbered accounts in Swiss banks where money is kept that Putin considers his personal money. But in the main it is all kept by nominal holders, like [head of Russian Railways Vladimir] Yakunin or the Rotenbergs [two billionaire brothers, who are childhood friends of Putin]. The money is communal.

“If intelligence services really wanted to find Putin’s money there would be ways of doing so, but all we can do is work with open sources and the information we get from insiders. We can’t show up at a Swiss bank and seize documents or analyse transfers. Corruption in Russia is so open that even we can find a huge amount. But to find Putin’s accounts, that’s beyond our capabilities.”

On how he spends his time under house arrest

“I’m reading a huge number of books; basically doing what everyone dreams of doing but never has time for. I’m watching the ‘250 best films ever’ one by one. All this American nonsense like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, and other old films.”
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 05:49 pm
When you have no credible comeback, I notice that you tend to turn towards being crude and insulting.

When you sit there calling Vladimir Putin a pedophile over some orthodox baby-kissing thing with a crowd of people standing around, insults are all you rate.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 05:54 pm
Did you REALLY expect Vladimir Putin to sit there and watch Bork Obunga, George Soros, Monsanto, and Victoria Nuland just walk off with the Ukraine??

In order to believe that Vladimir Putin is anything other than the heroic figure he appears to be, you need to believe that Bork Obunga, the Rothschilde family, George Soros, Victoria Nuland, John (the gigolo) Kerry, Hillary KKKlintler, and every other one of the "neocon(TM)" fools in our state department are all good people, which is ridiculous.

Matt Drudge is referring to Putin as the leader of the free world

Pat Buchanan believes (as I do) that God is on Putin's side:


US Govt Russophobia:

The false flag sniper op at Maidan:

Putin's Perspective—Putin.html

Arrest warrant for George Soros:


200 New Christian churches being built in an daround Moscow:

The Cathedral of Christ The Savior:

calls for world leaders to stop the slaughter/persecution of Christians :

The United States is still demographically a Christian nation but you'd never know it from observing our government. All you ever read about our government doing these days is supporting regimes which persecute Christians and Christianity, and then you ask whose side you think God might be on? You think God could ever be on the side of George Soros, Monsanto, and the Obunga state department?? For that matter do you think God would be on the side of "conservatives" who weren't bright enough to see through demoKKKrat/NWO/Soros/US_StateDept propaganda and BS??

All of that is aside from the fact that Putin almost singlehandedly stopped the idiot greentards and Malthusians from shutting down all of the world's economies in 04 with the Russian hacker attack on the East Anglia CU email database which gave rise to "Climategate" ( ). Other than for that, all of the idiots comparing Putin with Hitler would likely be rubbing sticks together to make fire.

The rulers of Russia have taken a hard look at the ongoing suicide of the West and determined that Russia is not going to participate. This may in fact be the biggest factor in the tidal wave of propaganda and disinformation which the West is subjected to regarding Russia and Vladimir Putin, and in the policies of our state department. The bankers who run the West hope to prevent the calamity which they are facing by bail-ins and austerity programs and that, combined with the Malthusian and greentard policies of our governments figure to produce a world of major grief for the West over the coming decades.

Those people can ill afford the alternative example of a prosperous and happy version of reality in the BRIC nations for everybody on the planet to see on television and the internet.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 06:01 pm


What can have made Barack Obama declare he's thinking of pulling Ukraine de facto into NATO and arming Kiev for war against Russia? And suicidally putting U.S. arms and military personnel into six other countries on Russia's border, under NATO Article 5 as he said, which requires the United States to defend those countries as if itself.

Does Obama think he's going to provoke a war and win it, against Russia, with a NATO "forward brigade"?

Obama is pushed along this crazy path by a group of former administration has-beens, acting through the Atlantic Council and Brookings Institution, who put out a report Feb. 1 demanding the U.S. and NATO arm the Kiev government for war against Russia. Media editorials and articles are beating this drum from the British daily press to the New York Times, which claims that the opposition of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff has been suppressed.

Starting a war with Russia on the strategic basis of a six-page report by a gaggle of former government officials? Michele Flournoy, Ivo Daalder, Strobe Talbott, James Stavridis .... remember the names. Timothy Garton Ash of Oxford, planner of "color revolutions" against allies of Russia and China, who writes "Putin must be stopped with guns" in the London Guardian. Call them "the self-extinction movement."

Now the megabankers insist on financial warfare against BRICS-allied nations, provocations, even the threat of thermonuclear war against Russia and China, to force them to let London and Wall Street continue to run the world.

Proof? The Kiev regime in Ukraine is now being offered a second IMF package of loans in one year, and The Economist — which speaks for the City of London banks — demands that it be a $20 billion package, and write-off of previous loans Ukraine admits it can't pay.

The same banks, the same IMF, the same London-allied political leaders like Cameron, Mrs. Merkel and Obama, refuse — with a furious hard line — the same debt relief to Greece.

Kiev is to get the $20 billion loans and debt writeoff to go to full-out war with Russia. The Greek government, publicly opposed to the sanctions against Russia, is to be refused debt relief to develop its economy — even if this refusal means, as it does, breaking up the so-called Eurozone.

Wall Street and the City ARE clinically insane.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 06:03 pm
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 06:10 pm


For decades, American neocons[1] have engaged in coups, false flag operations, covert and overt wars in order to institute their goal of global domination. The end of the Cold War emboldened them and 9/11 enabled them. Nations and societies became battlefields facilitated by the concept of ‘jihad’ versus‘crusade’ thanks to neocon Bernard Lewis who initiated this idea. As country after country fell to America’s ruthless touch – Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, (attempts in Venezuela and Iran), little attention was paid to covert activities against Russia (and China) considered to pose a challenge to America’s global domination.

Failure of the 2004 Western-backed Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the massive 2006 protests in Crimea against NATO’s invasion with slogans such as “Occupiers go home!”whichprompted theparliament of autonomous Ukraine to declare Crimea a “NATO-free territory” (Euronews archive), sent Washington’s neocons into a spin mode, especially since NATO and U.S. have been trying to encircle Russia since 1991.

Azar Gat, Ezer Weizman professor of National Security at Tel Aviv University writing for the powerful and influential Council on Foreign Relations publication (Foreign Affairs, July-August 2007) emphasized ‘the significant challenge emanating from China and Russia operating under “authoritarian capitalist” poised for a comeback. ‘

Global domination demanded curbing Russia (and China). Depriving Russia of its Black Sea Fleet in Crimea and Russia’s access to Syria’s Tartus Port are no doubt a crucial part of this strategy. As importantly, Russia’s gas exports to Europe had to be curbed.

To this end, overt and covert actions were put in place. CIA/State Department propaganda voice, Radio Free Europe, announced in 2010 that “Ukraine has been the target of democracy-promoting Western foundations, such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), for a quarter of a century” (well prior to 1991 dateline admitted to by Victoria Nuland). NED’s counterpart in England, the UK funded Westminster Foundation for Democracy was an active partner in the endeavor.

It was the Westminster Foundation that coopted the “Ukrainian Foundation for Democracy” – The People’s First Foundation that later that same year would become a member of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC). Of particular relevance is the cast of characters who would shape things to come in Ukraine (to be discussed shortly).

“Democracy” promotion aside, the possible and likely role of United States Special Operations Command (USSOC) said to be present in 120 countries as of 2011, and growing (potentially in over 140 countries todate) mut also be considered. Working with SOC is CIA’s Special Activities Division (SAD) and its departments Special Operations Group (SOG) and Political Action Group (POG), which engage in covert activities related to political influence and psychological operations.

As images of Cocktail Molotovs and sniper shootings and deaths found their way into living rooms across the globe, Europe (Ashton) concealed doubts cast over Yanukovch’s complicity in the sniper shootings, facilitating his overthrow in trumped up charges. There is no good reason for the Western backers of the mob government not to investigate the sniper killings unless a)they themselves were complicit, b) they had full knowledge of the actions, or c) concealing the actions was in their interest. No investigation has taken place to date.

Many scholars have voiced concern that the U.S. is backing neo-Nazis in Ukraine; never mind the neo-Nazis – the EU and the United States have embraced terrorism and have sided with terrorists over a democratically elected president. Although there is no universal definition of terrorism, Title 22 of the U.S. Code, Section 2656f(d) defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.”

This must be an incomprehensible part of the US/EU “war on terror”! These actions marginalize those of the marines in Afghanistan who urinated on dead corpses . With their backing of terrorists, the US and EU partners, in effect, have urinated on the graves of all who died in the despicable ‘war on terror’, including Allied soldiers.

This much said, one must surely ask why it is that the Jewish community is supporting the neo-Nazis rise. Why is it that the presence of Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers who led rebel groups has not been questioned and addressed? Furthermore, why have Jewish leaders voiced support for the coup and its leaders, and they have chosen to direct their anger and venom toward Russia and President Putin in a letter?

Perhaps, familiarizing oneself with the executive members of the aforementioned USUBC may cast some light on this bizarre behavior. Especially noteworthy are names and organizations among the senior advisors to the USUBC are from pro-Israel think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation and Brookings, and Board of Directors executives selected from powerful players at weapons manufacturers such as Raytheon and Boeing (See

Undoubtedly, the cast of characters and their involvement in Ukraine would help ensure the safety of the Ukrainian Jews – especially in light of the fact that Israel is poised to play a huge role in eliminating Europe’s reliance on Russian gas and supplying Europe with gas it has stolen from the Palestinians – and Syrians. Or as the New York Post put it last month: “Israel’s fortune is Putin’s horror”

The planning of this “horror” has been in the making for some time. Perhaps the most revealing and interesting article is one penned by David Wurmser writing for the Jewish policy Center titled The Strategic Impact of Israel’s Export of Natural Gas. Referring to the newly found stolen gas in 2009, he writes “Israel and its neighbor now sit atop roughly two years’ worth of European consumption”.He further suggests “even modest amounts of Israeli gas exports can carry significant strategic leverage”. Wurmser opines that “The short-term inflexibility of gas trade and the difficulty of replacing disrupted supply also imply that energy prices for consumers and revenues for suppliers can be easily manipulated by marginal increases or decreases.”

Citing Europe’s gas vulnerability, Wurmser posits “Europe’s grim reality could represent a unique window of opportunity for Israel to nail down long-term agreements and align export policy with a broader effort to reset Israeli-European relations.”

In December of last year, The Jerusalem Post reported that not only did Hungary seek Israeli gas as an alternative to Russian gas, but it also offered to Israel access to its state-owned gas storage and offered Hungary “as a central European distribution hub for Israeli gas”.

As recently as March 11, Rigzone cited Gideon Tadmor, CEO of Avner Oil, speaking at a conference in Tel-Aviv: “”With recent events in Europe… and the aspiration of different countries to diversify their gas supply, that puts another spotlight on our massive resources and transforms our story into a global one,” (a must read).

It then should come as no surprise that the Ukrainian Jewish leaders denounce any threat from the presence of ‘neo-Nazis’ claiming that they can take care of themselves. No doubt this is the case. But will Ukraine, a state that is not one nation, survive the assault on its diversity and its sovereignty? The unforeseen circumstances, the unpredicted reactions may well turn Ukraine into the last of America’s ‘Midas touch’.

Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich is an independent researcher and writer with a focus on U.S. foreign policy and the role of lobby groups in influencing US foreign policy.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Feb, 2015 09:19 pm
The Litvenenko story...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 7 Feb, 2015 10:48 am

LaRouche counter demonstration against Kiev Nazis in NY.
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