Fri 11 Jun, 2004 01:53 pm
i am very confused, i have had my mote carlo for about three years, i deployed for six months and since returning i have had a lot of problem with it, now the car keeps over heating or running close to it, i have replaced the temperature regulator and relays for the cooling fan and the fan is working or at least one of them. i need some suggestion on what to do!!!
For the time being I will rule out elves or fairies. Where was your car while you were deployed? Have you checked the thermostat? Is there enough water and anti-freeze in the radiator? On the older cars these things were a snap to fix but you may have a computer problem. Check with the dealer first.
How about the water pump?
Oh yeah, I don't know if you are a gearhead or not, but, have you checked the electrolyte level in your antifreeze?
monte carlo
check the thermostat ,heater core,or any hoses.Maybe radiator needs flushing out, or its time for a new can talk to parts store sales person for some info, also.
You need to have it diagnosed by a technician, then you can decide if you think you can tackle it yourself. You can keep wasting money throwing parts at it, to no avail. or you can find a trusted ASE tech in your neck of the woods, and let him do his job, as it sounds like you job should only be putting gas in it and driving it.