Unfortunately there are two types of people no...
Those that will defend and end bullying and those that want to but can't and continue to go through it.
In high school I was picked on by two girls that broke out of a girls home to come and get me. Why, because I wore pink jumpers
Not cool back then but alas my Mother liked it. I was warned of it so I guess I had a choice to make.
When they approached me on the school oval, I guess I was ready. One punched me in the throat, couldn't speak properly, with that, I managed to get one onto the ground rugby style and her throat between my legs whilst I got up and held the others shirt and grabbed her arm. I remember stating " two against one, you think that's fair?". The whole school was there, I guess they were told as well. The teachers came. For a good few minutes everyone just stood there before the teachers then intervened. No one picked on me either for the rest of high school.